Montar Present Tense in Latin American Spanish

The simple present tense of montar is used to describe actions happening now or that occur regularly or habitually. For example, Yo monto la bicicleta al parque todos los días. (I ride my bike to the park every day.)

Montar is a regular -ar verb, so its conjugations in the present tense follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Montar (to ride) in the Present Tense tense (Latin American Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedmonta
Nosotros / Nosotrasmontamos
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesmontan

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Montar (to ride) in the Present Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Montar in the Present Tense

Montar generally means to mount, ride or assemble, but has several different meanings in the Present Tense, some of which might surprise you.

To mount or ride: for example, Yo monto un caballo (I ride a horse).

To assemble: for example, Ellos montan los muebles (They assemble the furniture).

To set up: for example, Nosotros montamos una fiesta (We set up a party).

To stage or put on: for example, La compañía monta una obra de teatro (The company stages a play).

Colloquial: To have sex: for example, Ellos montan como conejos (They have sex like rabbits). This usage is considered vulgar slang.


Examples of Montar in the Present Tense

Yo monto mi bicicleta al trabajo todos los días. (I ride my bike to work every day.)

¿Tú montas a caballo los fines de semana? (Do you go horseback riding on weekends?)

Mi hermana monta la nueva computadora que compramos. (My sister is assembling the new computer we bought.)

Nosotros montamos un espectáculo de teatro cada año. (We put on a theater show every year.)

Los niños montan un fuerte con almohadas en la sala. (The kids are building a pillow fort in the living room.)

En la fiesta, montamos un escenario para la banda. (At the party, we set up a stage for the band.)

Mi primo monta una tienda de campaña cuando vamos de excursión. (My cousin pitches a tent when we go camping.)

¿Ustedes montan un árbol de Navidad cada diciembre? (Do you put up a Christmas tree every December?)

La empresa monta una nueva línea de producción este año. (The company is setting up a new production line this year.)

Nosotros montamos una exposición de arte en la galería. (We’re mounting an art exhibition at the gallery.)

Mi papá monta un taller de carpintería en el garaje. (My dad is setting up a woodworking shop in the garage.)

En la playa, montamos un toldo para tener sombra. (At the beach, we set up a canopy for shade.)

Los jóvenes montan una protesta pacífica en el parque. (The youth are staging a peaceful protest in the park.)

Cada año, montamos un puesto de limonada en el vecindario. (Every year, we set up a lemonade stand in the neighborhood.)

Mi amiga monta un blog de recetas vegetarianas. (My friend runs a vegetarian recipe blog.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Montar (to ride) in the Present Tense tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo monto I ride
Tú montas You ride
Él / Ella / Usted monta He / She / You rides
Nosotros / Nosotras montamos We ride
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes montan They / You all ride

This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here


The Present tense is also known as the Simple Present, Present Simple, Present Tense, or Present Indicative in English, and as Presente de Indicativo, Presente Simple, Tiempo Presente, or Indicativo Presente in Spanish.