Atacar Future Tense in Castilian Spanish

The Future Tense of Atacar is used to express actions that will take place in the future, for example, Atacaremos la fortaleza enemiga mañana. (We will attack the enemy fortress tomorrow.)

Atacar is a regular -ar verb, so its Future Tense conjugations follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Atacar (to attack) in the Future Tense tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedatacará
Nosotros / Nosotrasatacaremos
Vosotros / Vosotrasatacaréis
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesatacarán

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Atacar (to attack) in the Future Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Atacar in the Future Tense

Atacar generally means to attack or assault, but has several different meanings in the Future Tense, some of which might surprise you.

Physical attack: For example, Atacaremos al enemigo con todas nuestras fuerzas. (We will attack the enemy with all our might.)

Verbal attack: For example, Te atacaré con insultos si sigues molestándome. (I will attack you with insults if you keep bothering me.)

Criticize or challenge: For example, El abogado atacará los argumentos de la defensa. (The lawyer will attack the defense’s arguments.)

Tackle a problem: For example, Atacaremos el problema de raíz. (We will tackle the problem at its root.)

Eat or drink enthusiastically (colloquial): For example, ¡Atacaré esa tarta como si no hubiera un mañana! (I will attack that cake as if there were no tomorrow!)

Pursue or go after something (colloquial): For example, Atacaré ese trabajo aunque tenga que trabajar horas extras. (I will go after that job even if I have to work overtime.)


Examples of Atacar in the Future Tense

Si no llueve, atacaremos la cumbre mañana. (If it doesn’t rain, we will attack the summit tomorrow.)

El año que viene, los soldados atacarán la fortaleza enemiga. (Next year, the soldiers will attack the enemy fortress.)

Después de reagrupar nuestras fuerzas, atacaremos de nuevo. (After regrouping our forces, we will attack again.)

Según los informes de inteligencia, el enemigo atacará por la noche. (According to intelligence reports, the enemy will attack at night.)

¿Crees que atacarán durante las fiestas? (Do you think they will attack during the holidays?)

Si no negociamos, atacaremos al amanecer. (If we don’t negotiate, we will attack at dawn.)

Cuando estemos listos, atacaremos con todo lo que tenemos. (When we are ready, we will attack with everything we’ve got.)

Según el plan, tú atacarás por el flanco izquierdo. (According to the plan, you will attack from the left flank.)

Si no se rinden, atacaremos sin piedad. (If they don’t surrender, we will attack mercilessly.)

Mis fuentes dicen que atacarán al caer la noche. (My sources say they will attack when night falls.)

Cuando dé la señal, atacarás con tus mejores tropas. (When I give the signal, you will attack with your best troops.)

Si no cumplen nuestras demandas, atacaremos sin previo aviso. (If they don’t meet our demands, we will attack without warning.)

Según los rumores, el enemigo atacará por sorpresa. (According to rumors, the enemy will attack by surprise.)

Cuando estemos en posición, atacaremos con artillería pesada. (Once we are in position, we will attack with heavy artillery.)

Si no hay otra opción, atacaremos al amanecer. (If there is no other option, we will attack at dawn.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Atacar (to attack) in the Future Tense tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo atacaré I will attack
Tú atacarás You will attack
Él / Ella / Usted atacará He / She / You (formal) will attack
Nosotros / Nosotras atacaremos We will attack
Vosotros / Vosotras atacaréis You all will attack
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes atacarán They / You all (formal) will attack

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Future tense is also known as the Simple Future, Future Simple, Future Tense, Future Indicative, or Will Future in English, and as Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Tiempo Futuro, Futuro de Indicativo, or Indicativo Futuro in Spanish.