The Future Tense of Contradecir is used to express actions that will contradict or deny something in the future. For example, Yo contradeciré su afirmación. (I will contradict his/her statement.)
Contradecir is an irregular verb, meaning its conjugation follows a unique pattern in the Future Tense.
Conjugations of Contradecir (to contradict) in the Future Tense tense (Latin American Spanish):
Pronoun | Conjugation |
Yo | contradiré |
Tú | contradirás |
Él / Ella / Usted | contradirá |
Nosotros / Nosotras | contradiremos |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | contradirán |
Boost Your Memorization with Audio!
We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Contradecir (to contradict) in the Future Tense to help you learn faster.
Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.
Usage of Contradecir in the Future Tense
Contradecir generally means to contradict or deny something, but has several different meanings in the Future Tense, some of which might surprise you.
To contradict or deny: For example, Yo lo contradeciré si miente (I will contradict him if he lies).
To oppose or go against: For example, No contradeciremos las reglas de la escuela (We will not go against the school rules).
To refute or disprove (colloquial): For example, ¿Cómo contradeciré sus argumentos? (How will I refute their arguments?)
To talk back or sass (rude): For example, Si me contradices otra vez, estarás castigado (If you talk back to me again, you’ll be punished).
Examples of Contradecir in the Future Tense
Si no te gusta lo que digo, contradirás mis palabras en el futuro. (If you don’t like what I say, you will contradict my words in the future.)
Cuando llegue el momento, contradiremos los rumores con pruebas sólidas. (When the time comes, we will contradict the rumors with solid evidence.)
Aunque parezca improbable ahora, contradirá las expectativas con su éxito. (Although it seems unlikely now, he/she will contradict expectations with his/her success.)
Si continúan con esa actitud, contradirán los valores de nuestra empresa. (If they continue with that attitude, they will contradict the values of our company.)
Después de estudiar los hechos, contradiré las afirmaciones falsas en la próxima reunión. (After studying the facts, I will contradict the false claims in the next meeting.)
Aunque parezca una locura ahora, contradirás tus propias dudas cuando logres el éxito. (Although it may seem crazy now, you will contradict your own doubts when you achieve success.)
Si las cosas no mejoran, contradiremos las políticas actuales con nuevas propuestas. (If things don’t improve, we will contradict the current policies with new proposals.)
Aunque todos lo critiquen, contradirá las opiniones negativas con su determinación. (Although everyone criticizes him/her, he/she will contradict the negative opinions with his/her determination.)
Si los resultados son decepcionantes, contradiremos las expectativas con un plan de acción audaz. (If the results are disappointing, we will contradict expectations with a bold action plan.)
Aunque parezca imposible, contradiré los pronósticos pesimistas con mi perseverancia. (Although it may seem impossible, I will contradict the pessimistic forecasts with my perseverance.)
Si las críticas continúan, contradirán los comentarios negativos con hechos contundentes. (If the criticism continues, they will contradict the negative comments with strong facts.)
Aunque todos duden de mí, contradirás sus dudas cuando alcances tus metas. (Although everyone doubts me, you will contradict their doubts when you achieve your goals.)
Si las circunstancias lo permiten, contradiremos las expectativas con resultados excepcionales. (If circumstances allow, we will contradict expectations with exceptional results.)
Aunque parezca una tarea difícil, contradirá los obstáculos con su dedicación inquebrantable. (Although it may seem like a difficult task, he/she will contradict the obstacles with his/her unwavering dedication.)
Si las cosas no salen como esperábamos, contradiremos los reveses con una actitud positiva. (If things don’t go as expected, we will contradict the setbacks with a positive attitude.)
Conjugations with English Translations
Conjugations of Contradecir (to contradict) in the Future Tense tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:
Spanish | English |
Yo contradiré | I will contradict |
Tú contradirás | You will contradict |
Él / Ella / Usted contradirá | He / She / You will contradict |
Nosotros / Nosotras contradiremos | We will contradict |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes contradirán | They / You all will contradict |
This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here
The Future tense is also known as the Simple Future, Future Simple, Future Tense, Future Indicative, or Will Future in English, and as Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Tiempo Futuro, Futuro de Indicativo, or Indicativo Futuro in Spanish.