Regular Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense

Regular verbs in Portuguese follow predictable patterns when conjugated in the present tense. They are categorized into three groups based on their infinitive endings: -ar, -er, and -ir. This page provides an overview of each type, with sections for vocabulary and conjugations.

AR Verbs

AR verbs are the most common type of regular verbs in Portuguese.

Vocabulary: Regular AR verbs in the Present Tense

This section introduces common AR verbs used in everyday Portuguese. Some examples include:

  • Falar (to speak)
  • Cantar (to sing)
  • Estudar (to study)
  • Trabalhar (to work)

Conjugations: AR verbs (e.g. falar)

Here you’ll find the conjugation pattern for AR verbs, using “falar” as an example:

  • Eu falo
  • Tu falas
  • Ele/Ela/Você fala
  • Nós falamos
  • Eles/Elas/Vocês falam

ER Verbs

ER verbs are the second most common type of regular verbs in Portuguese.

Vocabulary: Regular ER verbs in the Present Tense

This section presents frequently used ER verbs. Examples include:

  • Comer (to eat)
  • Beber (to drink)
  • Vender (to sell)
  • Aprender (to learn)

Conjugations: ER verbs (e.g. comer)

The conjugation pattern for ER verbs is demonstrated here, using “comer” as an example:

  • Eu como
  • Tu comes
  • Ele/Ela/Você come
  • Nós comemos
  • Eles/Elas/Vocês comem

IR Verbs

IR verbs are the least common type of regular verbs in Portuguese.

Vocabulary: Regular IR verbs in the Present Tense

This section introduces common IR verbs. Some examples are:

  • Partir (to leave)
  • Abrir (to open)
  • Decidir (to decide)
  • Assistir (to watch)

Conjugations: IR verbs (e.g. partir)

The conjugation pattern for IR verbs is shown here, using “partir” as an example:

  • Eu parto
  • Tu partes
  • Ele/Ela/Você parte
  • Nós partimos
  • Eles/Elas/Vocês partem

Remember, while these patterns apply to most verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, there are some exceptions. Some verbs that appear regular may have slight spelling changes or be irregular. Always consult a reliable Portuguese grammar resource when in doubt.

Vocabulary: Regular AR Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: AR Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: AR Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense
Vocabulary: Regular ER Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: ER Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: ER Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense
Vocabulary: Regular IR verbs in the Present Tense
Conjugations: Regular IR Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: Regular IR Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense

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