Regular verbs in Portuguese follow predictable patterns when conjugated in the present tense. They are categorized into three groups based on their infinitive endings: -ar, -er, and -ir. This page provides an overview of each type, with sections for vocabulary and conjugations.
AR Verbs
AR verbs are the most common type of regular verbs in Portuguese.
Vocabulary: Regular AR verbs in the Present Tense
This section introduces common AR verbs used in everyday Portuguese. Some examples include:
- Falar (to speak)
- Cantar (to sing)
- Estudar (to study)
- Trabalhar (to work)
Conjugations: AR verbs (e.g. falar)
Here you’ll find the conjugation pattern for AR verbs, using “falar” as an example:
- Eu falo
- Tu falas
- Ele/Ela/Você fala
- Nós falamos
- Eles/Elas/Vocês falam
ER Verbs
ER verbs are the second most common type of regular verbs in Portuguese.
Vocabulary: Regular ER verbs in the Present Tense
This section presents frequently used ER verbs. Examples include:
- Comer (to eat)
- Beber (to drink)
- Vender (to sell)
- Aprender (to learn)
Conjugations: ER verbs (e.g. comer)
The conjugation pattern for ER verbs is demonstrated here, using “comer” as an example:
- Eu como
- Tu comes
- Ele/Ela/Você come
- Nós comemos
- Eles/Elas/Vocês comem
IR Verbs
IR verbs are the least common type of regular verbs in Portuguese.
Vocabulary: Regular IR verbs in the Present Tense
This section introduces common IR verbs. Some examples are:
- Partir (to leave)
- Abrir (to open)
- Decidir (to decide)
- Assistir (to watch)
Conjugations: IR verbs (e.g. partir)
The conjugation pattern for IR verbs is shown here, using “partir” as an example:
- Eu parto
- Tu partes
- Ele/Ela/Você parte
- Nós partimos
- Eles/Elas/Vocês partem
Remember, while these patterns apply to most verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, there are some exceptions. Some verbs that appear regular may have slight spelling changes or be irregular. Always consult a reliable Portuguese grammar resource when in doubt.
Vocabulary: Regular AR Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: AR Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: AR Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense
Vocabulary: Regular ER Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: ER Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: ER Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense
Vocabulary: Regular IR verbs in the Present Tense
Conjugations: Regular IR Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense
Conjugations: Regular IR Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense