Vocabulary: Regular ER Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense

ER verbs are the second most common type of regular verbs in Portuguese. Here’s a list of frequently used ER verbs, along with their English translations and example sentences to provide context.

  1. Comer (to eat)
  • Eu como frutas todos os dias. (I eat fruit every day.)
  1. Beber (to drink)
  • Eles bebem água durante o treino. (They drink water during training.)
  1. Vender (to sell)
  • A loja vende roupas usadas. (The shop sells used clothes.)
  1. Aprender (to learn)
  • Nós aprendemos português na escola. (We learn Portuguese at school.)
  1. Escrever (to write)
  • Ela escreve poesia nas horas vagas. (She writes poetry in her spare time.)
  1. Ler (to read)
  • Tu lês o jornal todas as manhãs? (Do you read the newspaper every morning?)
  1. Correr (to run)
  • Eles correm no parque aos domingos. (They run in the park on Sundays.)
  1. Viver (to live)
  • Vocês vivem numa cidade grande? (Do you live in a big city?)
  1. Entender (to understand)
  • Eu não entendo essa expressão. (I don’t understand this expression.)
  1. Responder (to answer, to respond)
    • Ele sempre responde às perguntas. (He always answers the questions.)
  2. Receber (to receive)
    • Nós recebemos muitos e-mails por dia. (We receive many emails per day.)
  3. Crescer (to grow)
    • As plantas crescem rápido na primavera. (The plants grow quickly in spring.)
  4. Conhecer (to know, to be acquainted with)
    • Tu conheces bem esta cidade? (Do you know this city well?)
  5. Perder (to lose)
    • Eles perdem tempo no trânsito. (They lose time in traffic.)
  6. Meter (to put, to place)
    • Ela mete os livros na mochila. (She puts the books in the backpack.)
  7. Descer (to descend, to go down)
    • Nós descemos as escadas devagar. (We go down the stairs slowly.)
  8. Esconder (to hide)
    • As crianças escondem-se atrás das árvores. (The children hide behind the trees.)
  9. Romper (to break, to tear)
    • O tecido rompe facilmente. (The fabric tears easily.)
  10. Temer (to fear)
    • Eu temo as alturas. (I fear heights.)
  11. Ceder (to yield, to give in)
    • Eles cedem o lugar aos idosos. (They yield their seats to the elderly.)

These verbs form an important part of everyday Portuguese vocabulary. Practicing their conjugations and using them in context will greatly improve your fluency in the language.

Next: Conjugations: ER Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense

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