Conditional in if-clauses

The conditional tense in Portuguese if-clauses (orações condicionais) is used to express hypothetical situations and their potential outcomes. Understanding its usage is crucial for effective communication in Portuguese.

Types of Conditional Sentences

  1. Real Conditional (Presente do Indicativo)
    • Used for likely or possible situations
    • Structure: Se + presente do indicativo, futuro do presente
    • Example: Se chover, ficarei em casa. (If it rains, I will stay at home.)
  2. Unreal Conditional Present (Pretérito Imperfeito do Subjuntivo)
    • Used for unlikely or impossible situations in the present
    • Structure: Se + pretérito imperfeito do subjuntivo, condicional simples
    • Example: Se eu tivesse dinheiro, viajaria para a Europa. (If I had money, I would travel to Europe.)
  3. Unreal Conditional Past (Pretérito Mais-que-perfeito do Subjuntivo)
    • Used for impossible situations in the past
    • Structure: Se + pretérito mais-que-perfeito do subjuntivo, condicional composto
    • Example: Se eu tivesse estudado mais, teria passado no exame. (If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.)

Key Points

  • The verb in the if-clause (after “se”) is always in the subjunctive mood for unreal conditionals.
  • The main clause uses the conditional tense (condicional) to express the hypothetical result.
  • In spoken Portuguese, it’s common to use the imperfect indicative instead of the conditional in the main clause.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Don’t use the future tense in the if-clause.
    • Incorrect: Se eu terei dinheiro, viajarei.
    • Correct: Se eu tiver dinheiro, viajarei.
  2. Don’t use the conditional in both clauses.
    • Incorrect: Se eu seria rico, compraria um carro.
    • Correct: Se eu fosse rico, compraria um carro.
  3. Pay attention to verb agreement in complex sentences.
    • Example: Se eles tivessem chegado mais cedo, teríamos jantado juntos.

By mastering these conditional structures, learners can express complex ideas and hypothetical scenarios more effectively in Portuguese.

Next: Conditional Perfect

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