Acordarse Subjunctive Mood in Castilian Spanish

The Subjunctive Mood of Acordarse is used to express wishes, desires, doubts or uncertainties about remembering something, for example: Es importante que te acuerdes de llamar a tu madre. (It’s important that you remember to call your mother.)

This verb follows the o to ue stem-changing conjugation pattern, where the ‘o’ in the stem changes to ‘ue’ in some forms of the present subjunctive.


Conjugations of Acordarse (to remember) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Yome acuerde
te acuerdes
Él / Ella / Ustedse acuerde
Nosotros / Nosotrasnos acordemos
Vosotros / Vosotrasos acordéis
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesse acuerden

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Acordarse (to remember) in the Subjunctive Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Acordarse in the Subjunctive Mood

Acordarse generally means “to remember”, but has several different meanings in the Subjunctive Mood, some of which might surprise you.

To remember to do something: for example, Espero que te acuerdes de llamar a tu madre. (I hope you remember to call your mother.)

To keep something in mind: for example, Acuérdate de que tenemos que salir temprano mañana. (Keep in mind that we have to leave early tomorrow.)

To recall or reminisce: for example, ¿Te acuerdas de cuando éramos niños y jugábamos en el parque? (Do you remember when we were kids and played in the park?)

To be mindful or conscious of something: for example, Acuérdate de que estamos en un lugar público y debes comportarte. (Be mindful that we are in a public place and you should behave.)

Colloquially, to warn or remind someone: for example, Acuérdate de no olvidarte las llaves otra vez. (Remember not to forget your keys again.)


Examples of Acordarse in the Subjunctive Mood

Espero que te acuerdes de llamar a tu abuela para su cumpleaños. (I hope you remember to call your grandmother for her birthday.)

Es importante que nos acordemos de reciclar para proteger el medio ambiente. (It’s important that we remember to recycle to protect the environment.)

Antes de salir de viaje, asegúrate de que te acuerdes de apagar las luces y cerrar las ventanas. (Before leaving on a trip, make sure you remember to turn off the lights and close the windows.)

Aunque esté ocupado, espero que se acuerde de asistir a la reunión familiar. (Even though he’s busy, I hope he remembers to attend the family gathering.)

Para tener éxito en el trabajo, es crucial que se acuerden de cumplir con los plazos. (To be successful at work, it’s crucial that they remember to meet deadlines.)

Ojalá que os acordéis de practicar el idioma todos los días para mejorar. (I hope you all remember to practice the language every day to improve.)

Es fundamental que se acuerden de tomar sus medicamentos según las indicaciones del médico. (It’s essential that they remember to take their medications as directed by the doctor.)

Espero que te acuerdes de enviarme los documentos antes del viernes. (I hope you remember to send me the documents before Friday.)

Para mantener una buena salud, es importante que se acuerden de hacer ejercicio regularmente. (To maintain good health, it’s important that they remember to exercise regularly.)

Ojalá que se acuerden de agradecer a sus padres por todo su apoyo. (I hope they remember to thank their parents for all their support.)

Para tener éxito en los estudios, es crucial que os acordéis de hacer la tarea y estudiar regularmente. (To be successful in your studies, it’s crucial that you all remember to do your homework and study regularly.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Acordarse (to remember) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo me acuerde I remember
Tú te acuerdes You remember
Él / Ella / Usted se acuerde He / She / You (formal) remembers
Nosotros / Nosotras nos acordemos We remember
Vosotros / Vosotras os acordéis You all remember
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes se acuerden They / You all (formal) remember

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Subjunctive mood is also known as the Simple Subjunctive, Subjunctive Present, or Present Subjunctive Mood in English, and as Presente de Subjuntivo, Subjuntivo Presente, Presente del Modo Subjuntivo, or Tiempo Presente del Subjuntivo in Spanish.