Introducir Conditional Mood in Castilian Spanish

The Conditional Mood of introducir is used to express hypothetical or potential situations, for example: Si tuvieras la oportunidad, ¿introducirías cambios en tu vida? (If you had the opportunity, would you introduce changes in your life?)

Introducir is a regular verb, meaning its conjugations in the Conditional Mood follow the typical pattern for verbs ending in -ir.


Conjugations of Introducir (to introduce) in the Conditional Mood tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedintroduciría
Nosotros / Nosotrasintroduciríamos
Vosotros / Vosotrasintroduciríais
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesintroducirían

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Introducir (to introduce) in the Conditional Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Introducir in the Conditional Mood

The Conditional (Indicative) of introducir is used to express hypothetical situations or actions that would occur if certain conditions were met.

To introduce or insert something: For example, introduciría el código en el programa (I would introduce the code into the program). This meaning refers to physically putting something into something else.

To present or bring something up: For example, introduciría un nuevo tema en la reunión (I would introduce a new topic at the meeting). This usage implies initiating a discussion or raising a new subject.

To bring someone into a group or situation: For example, te introduciría a mis amigos (I would introduce you to my friends). This meaning involves facilitating a new connection or acquaintance.

To incorporate or include something: For example, introduciría cambios en el plan (I would introduce changes to the plan). This usage suggests modifying or adding new elements to something existing.

To smuggle or bring in illegally (slang): For example, introduciría la droga en el país (I would smuggle the drugs into the country). This idiomatic meaning implies illicit or unauthorized entry.


Examples of Introducir in the Conditional Mood

Si no tuvieras nada que hacer, te introducirías en tu teléfono por horas. (If you had nothing to do, you would get lost in your phone for hours.)

Cuando estamos de vacaciones, nos introduciríamos en la playa todo el día si pudiéramos. (When we’re on vacation, we would spend all day at the beach if we could.)

Los niños se introducirían en los videojuegos y no prestarían atención a nada más. (The kids would get absorbed in video games and not pay attention to anything else.)

En una fiesta aburrida, te introducirías en tu teléfono para pasar el rato. (At a boring party, you would get lost in your phone to pass the time.)

Si no tuviera un trabajo interesante, me introduciría en las redes sociales todo el día. (If I didn’t have an interesting job, I would get absorbed in social media all day.)

Los adolescentes se introducirían en sus dispositivos electrónicos por horas si los dejaran. (Teenagers would get lost in their electronic devices for hours if allowed.)

En un viaje largo y aburrido, te introducirías en una novela para pasar el tiempo. (On a long, boring trip, you would get absorbed in a novel to pass the time.)

Si no tuviera un pasatiempo, me introduciría en la televisión por falta de algo mejor que hacer. (If I didn’t have a hobby, I would get absorbed in television for lack of something better to do.)

En una reunión aburrida en el trabajo, te introducirías en tu teléfono para distraerte. (In a boring meeting at work, you would get lost in your phone to distract yourself.)

Los jóvenes se introducirían en las redes sociales por horas si pudieran. (Young people would get absorbed in social media for hours if they could.)

Si no tuviera planes para el fin de semana, me introduciría en una maratón de series de televisión. (If I didn’t have plans for the weekend, I would get absorbed in a TV show marathon.)

En un vuelo largo, te introducirías en una película para pasar el tiempo. (On a long flight, you would get absorbed in a movie to pass the time.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Introducir (to introduce) in the Conditional Mood tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo introduciría I would introduce
Tú introducirías You would introduce
Él / Ella / Usted introduciría He / She / You (formal) would introduce
Nosotros / Nosotras introduciríamos We would introduce
Vosotros / Vosotras introduciríais You all would introduce
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes introducirían They / You all (formal) would introduce

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Conditional mood is also known as the Simple Conditional, Conditional Simple, Would Tense, or Future of the Past in English, and as Condicional Simple, Pospretérito, Potencial Simple, or Condicional de Indicativo in Spanish.