Dirigir Conditional Mood in Latin American Spanish

The Conditional Mood of pintar is used to express hypothetical or imagined situations, for example: Pintaría mi casa de azul si tuviera más dinero. (I would paint my house blue if I had more money.)

Pintar is a regular verb, so its Conditional conjugations follow the typical pattern for -ar verbs in Latin American Spanish.


Conjugations of Dirigir (to direct) in the Conditional Mood tense (Latin American Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Usteddirigiría
Nosotros / Nosotrasdirigiríamos
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesdirigirían

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Dirigir (to direct) in the Conditional Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Dirigir in the Conditional Mood

The conditional mood of pintar is used to express hypothetical or imagined situations, often with an implied condition.

To paint or apply color: For example, pintaría la pared de azul (I would paint the wall blue). This is the most common meaning, referring to the act of applying paint or color to a surface.

To describe or depict: For example, el artista pintaría un paisaje hermoso (the artist would paint a beautiful landscape). This meaning extends to describing or representing something visually, often in an artistic context.

To exaggerate or embellish (colloquial): For example, ¡Cómo pintarías las cosas! (How you would embellish things!). In informal speech, it can mean to exaggerate or make something seem better or worse than it really is.

To criticize or insult (slang, rude): For example, te pintaría un cuadro bien feo (I would paint you an ugly picture). In some slang contexts, it can mean to criticize or insult someone, often in a creative or artistic way.


Examples of Dirigir in the Conditional Mood

Si pintaría las paredes de mi casa, elegiría un color claro y relajante. (If I would paint the walls of my house, I would choose a light and relaxing color.)

¿Me pintarías un retrato para mi cumpleaños? Eres muy talentoso. (Would you paint a portrait for me for my birthday? You are very talented.)

Los artistas pintarían murales en los muros de la ciudad para embellecer el vecindario. (The artists would paint murals on the city walls to beautify the neighborhood.)

En la clase de arte, pintaríamos bodegones con frutas y flores. (In the art class, we would paint still lifes with fruits and flowers.)

Aunque no soy un experto, pintaría por diversión en mi tiempo libre. (Although I’m not an expert, I would paint for fun in my free time.)

Los niños pintarían con sus dedos en la guardería, explorando colores y texturas. (The kids would finger paint at the daycare, exploring colors and textures.)

¿Crees que pintaría bien un paisaje al aire libre? Nunca lo he intentado. (Do you think I would paint a landscape outdoors well? I’ve never tried it.)

Para renovar la casa, pintaríamos las puertas y ventanas de un tono más moderno. (To renovate the house, we would paint the doors and windows in a more modern tone.)

Si tuviera más tiempo, pintaría cuadros abstractos con acrílicos brillantes. (If I had more time, I would paint abstract paintings with bright acrylics.)

En el taller de arte, pintarías sobre lienzos enormes con pinceles gruesos. (In the art workshop, you would paint on huge canvases with thick brushes.)

Los grafiteros pintarían sus obras de arte en los muros de la ciudad por la noche. (The graffiti artists would paint their artworks on the city walls at night.)

Para el Día de los Muertos, pintaríamos calaveras de azúcar con colores vivos. (For the Day of the Dead, we would paint sugar skulls with vibrant colors.)

En la clase de cerámica, pintarías platos y tazas con diseños únicos. (In the ceramics class, you would paint plates and mugs with unique designs.)

Si fuera artista, pintaría retratos realistas de personas comunes. (If I were an artist, I would paint realistic portraits of ordinary people.)

Para el festival de primavera, pintaríamos nuestras caras con motivos florales. (For the spring festival, we would paint our faces with floral motifs.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Dirigir (to direct) in the Conditional Mood tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo dirigiría I would paint
Tú dirigirías You would paint
Él / Ella / Usted dirigiría He / She / You would paint
Nosotros / Nosotras dirigiríamos We would paint
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes dirigirían They / You all would paint

This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here


The Conditional mood is also known as the Simple Conditional, Conditional Simple, Would Tense, or Future of the Past in English, and as Condicional Simple, Pospretérito, Potencial Simple, or Condicional de Indicativo in Spanish.