Lanzar Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) in Castilian Spanish

The Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) of Lanzar is used to give direct orders or instructions, for example: ¡Lanza la pelota! (Throw the ball!). It allows you to directly command someone to perform the action of throwing or launching something.

Lanzar is a -zar to -ce spelling-changing verb, meaning the z changes to a c in certain conjugations. This verb follows a unique conjugation pattern that requires special attention.


Conjugations of Lanzar (to throw) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedlance
Nosotros / Nosotraslancemos
Vosotros / Vosotraslanzad
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedeslancen

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Lanzar (to throw) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Lanzar in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)

Lanzar generally means to throw or launch something, but has several different meanings in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands), some of which might surprise you.

To throw or launch: For example, ¡Lanza la pelota! (Throw the ball!)

To release or put out: For example, ¡Lanza el nuevo producto! (Release the new product!)

To start or initiate: For example, ¡Lanza la campaña! (Launch the campaign!)

To utter or say (colloquial): For example, ¡Lanza un chiste! (Tell a joke!)

To flirt or make a pass at someone (slang): For example, ¡Lánzate con ella! (Make a move on her!)


Examples of Lanzar in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)

¡Lanza la pelota! (Throw the ball!)

¡Lancemos una fiesta para celebrar tu cumpleaños! (Let’s throw a party to celebrate your birthday!)

Oye, lanzad esas latas vacías al contenedor de reciclaje. (Hey, toss those empty cans in the recycling bin.)

Señores, lancen sus propuestas para el nuevo proyecto. (Gentlemen, submit your proposals for the new project.)

En la fiesta, lanza los confetis cuando cuenten hasta tres. (At the party, throw the confetti when they count to three.)

Antes de salir, lanza una última mirada a tu habitación. (Before leaving, take one last look around your room.)

¡Lancemos una campaña en redes sociales para promover nuestro negocio! (Let’s launch a social media campaign to promote our business!)

Oye, lanzad esas botellas vacías a la basura. (Hey, toss those empty bottles in the trash.)

Cuando estén listos, lancen sus ideas para el nuevo proyecto. (When you’re ready, pitch your ideas for the new project.)

¡Lanza la moneda para decidir quién va primero! (Toss the coin to decide who goes first!)

Antes de irnos de vacaciones, lancemos una fiesta de despedida. (Before we go on vacation, let’s throw a going-away party.)

¡Lanza esa pelota de béisbol con fuerza! (Throw that baseball hard!)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Lanzar (to throw) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo —
Tú lanza Throw
Él / Ella / Usted lance Throw
Nosotros / Nosotras lancemos Let’s throw
Vosotros / Vosotras lanzad Throw
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes lancen Throw

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Imperative mood is also known as the Command Form, Affirmative Command Mood, or Direct Command Form in English, and as Modo Imperativo, Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, or Forma de Mandato in Spanish.