The personal infinitive is a unique grammatical feature that sets Portuguese apart from many other languages. This versatile tool adds clarity and precision to your sentences, allowing you to express nuanced ideas with ease. For instance, instead of saying “É importante estudar” (It’s important to study), you can use the personal infinitive to specify who needs to study: “É importante estudarmos” (It’s important for us to study).
Why Use the Personal Infinitive?
The personal infinitive shines when you need to specify the subject of an infinitive verb. This is especially handy in complex sentences where the subject might be unclear. By using the personal infinitive, you eliminate ambiguity and ensure your message is crystal clear. Consider this example: “Ele quer que eu vá à festa” (He wants me to go to the party). The personal infinitive “vá” clearly indicates that “eu” (I) is the one who should go to the party.
Personal vs. Impersonal: What’s the Difference?
Unlike the impersonal infinitive, which remains the same regardless of its subject, the personal infinitive changes to match its subject. This distinction allows for more expressive and accurate communication. To illustrate, compare these two sentences: “É preciso comer” (It’s necessary to eat) and “É preciso comeres” (It’s necessary for you to eat). The personal infinitive “comeres” directly addresses the person who needs to eat.
Mastering Complex Sentences with the Personal Infinitive
The personal infinitive is your secret weapon for conquering complex sentences. It’s a common sight in subordinate clauses, especially those introduced by prepositions or conjunctions. By using the personal infinitive in these situations, you maintain clarity and avoid confusion. For example, consider this sentence: “Eles esperaram para podermos entrar” (They waited so that we could enter). The personal infinitive “podermos” makes it clear that “we” are the ones who will enter.
Prepositions and the Personal Infinitive: A Powerful Duo
Prepositions often accompany the personal infinitive, adding subtle shades of meaning to your sentences. Common prepositions used with the personal infinitive include “para” (for/in order to), “por” (for/because of), and “ao” (upon/when). Understanding how these prepositions work with the personal infinitive opens up a world of expressive possibilities. Take this sentence as an example: “Eles foram à praia para nadarem” (They went to the beach to swim). The preposition “para” followed by the personal infinitive “nadarem” clearly shows the purpose of their trip.
Key Takeaway:
Mastering the personal infinitive is a game-changer for anyone learning Portuguese. It empowers you to communicate with greater precision and elegance, whether you’re writing an essay or engaging in conversation. So, embrace this unique feature and unlock the full potential of the Portuguese language!
Formation of personal infinitive
Usage of personal infinitive
Personal vs. impersonal infinitive
Personal infinitive in complex sentences
Personal infinitive with different prepositions