Conjugations: AR Verbs in European Portuguese Present Tense

AR verbs are the most common type of regular verbs in European Portuguese. They follow a consistent pattern in the present tense, making them relatively easy to learn and use.

Conjugation Pattern

To conjugate an AR verb in the present tense:

  1. Remove the -ar ending from the infinitive
  2. Add the appropriate ending based on the subject

Here are the endings for AR verbs in contemporary European Portuguese:

  • Eu: -o
  • Tu: -as
  • Ele/Ela: -a
  • Nós: -amos
  • Vocês: -am
  • Eles/Elas: -am

Example: Falar (to speak)

Let’s conjugate the verb “falar” (to speak) as an example:

  • Eu falo (I speak)
  • Tu falas (You speak – singular informal)
  • Ele/Ela fala (He/She speaks)
  • Nós falamos (We speak)
  • Vocês falam (You speak – plural)
  • Eles/Elas falam (They speak)

More Examples

Here are a few more AR verbs conjugated in the present tense:

  1. Estudar (to study)
  • Eu estudo
  • Tu estudas
  • Ele/Ela estuda
  • Nós estudamos
  • Vocês estudam
  • Eles/Elas estudam
  1. Cantar (to sing)
  • Eu canto
  • Tu cantas
  • Ele/Ela canta
  • Nós cantamos
  • Vocês cantam
  • Eles/Elas cantam
  1. Trabalhar (to work)
  • Eu trabalho
  • Tu trabalhas
  • Ele/Ela trabalha
  • Nós trabalhamos
  • Vocês trabalham
  • Eles/Elas trabalham

Note on Usage

In contemporary European Portuguese, “vocês” is commonly used to address multiple people or as a more formal way to address a group. The pronoun “vós” and its corresponding conjugations are still found in very formal or literary contexts, but are rarely used in everyday conversation.

By mastering the conjugation of AR verbs, you’ll be able to express a wide range of actions and states in the present tense in contemporary European Portuguese.

Next: Vocabulary: Regular ER Verbs in the Portuguese Present Tense

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