Vocabulary: Regular IR verbs in the Present Tense

IR verbs are the least common type of regular verbs in Portuguese, but they’re still important to learn. Here’s a list of frequently used IR verbs, along with their English translations and example sentences to provide context.

  1. Partir (to leave, to depart)
  • O trem parte às 8 horas. (The train leaves at 8 o’clock.)
  1. Abrir (to open)
  • Eu abro a janela todas as manhãs. (I open the window every morning.)
  1. Decidir (to decide)
  • Eles decidem viajar nas férias. (They decide to travel during the holidays.)
  1. Assistir (to watch, to attend)
  • Nós assistimos a um filme todos os sábados. (We watch a movie every Saturday.)
  1. Dividir (to divide)
  • As crianças dividem os brinquedos. (The children share the toys.)
  1. Discutir (to discuss, to argue)
  • Vocês discutem política frequentemente? (Do you discuss politics often?)
  1. Permitir (to allow, to permit)
  • A escola não permite celulares na sala de aula. (The school doesn’t allow cell phones in the classroom.)
  1. Proibir (to forbid, to prohibit)
  • O governo proíbe fumar em locais públicos. (The government prohibits smoking in public places.)
  1. Admitir (to admit)
  • Ela admite que cometeu um erro. (She admits that she made a mistake.)
  1. Desistir (to give up)
    • Eu não desisto facilmente. (I don’t give up easily.)
  2. Existir (to exist)
    • Existem muitas espécies de pássaros na floresta. (There exist many species of birds in the forest.)
  3. Insistir (to insist)
    • Eles insistem em pagar a conta. (They insist on paying the bill.)
  4. Possuir (to possess, to own)
    • A empresa possui vários escritórios. (The company owns several offices.)
  5. Subir (to go up, to climb)
    • Nós subimos as escadas todos os dias. (We climb the stairs every day.)
  6. Imprimir (to print)
    • Tu imprimes os documentos para a reunião? (Do you print the documents for the meeting?)
  7. Reunir (to gather, to meet)
    • A equipe se reúne todas as segundas-feiras. (The team meets every Monday.)
  8. Descobrir (to discover)
    • Os cientistas descobrem novas espécies constantemente. (Scientists constantly discover new species.)
  9. Transferir (to transfer)
    • O banco transfere o dinheiro automaticamente. (The bank transfers the money automatically.)
  10. Aderir (to adhere, to join)
    • Muitas pessoas aderem ao programa de fidelidade. (Many people join the loyalty program.)
  11. Instruir (to instruct)
    • Os professores instruem os alunos sobre as regras. (The teachers instruct the students about the rules.)

These verbs are an important part of Portuguese vocabulary. Practicing their conjugations and using them in context will greatly improve your fluency in the language.

Next: Conjugations: Regular IR Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese Present Tense

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