Examples: Estar for Physical Location in Brazilian Portuguese

These examples demonstrate the use of “estar” to describe physical locations in Brazilian Portuguese. Each example is followed by its English translation.

Geographic Features

  1. A cachoeira está no meio da floresta tropical.
    (The waterfall is in the middle of the rainforest.)
  2. O acampamento está perto do rio.
    (The campsite is near the river.)
  3. A cidade histórica está no topo de uma montanha.
    (The historic city is on top of a mountain.)
  4. As tartarugas estão na praia para desovar.
    (The turtles are on the beach to lay eggs.)
  5. O oásis está no centro do deserto.
    (The oasis is in the center of the desert.)
  6. A ponte mais famosa da cidade está sobre o rio principal.
    (The city’s most famous bridge is over the main river.)

Urban Locations

  1. O novo shopping center está no centro da cidade.
    (The new shopping mall is in the city center.)
  2. A feira de artesanato está na praça principal.
    (The craft fair is in the main square.)
  3. O ponto de ônibus está na esquina da avenida com a rua principal.
    (The bus stop is at the corner of the avenue and the main street.)
  4. O parque de diversões está nos arredores da cidade.
    (The amusement park is on the outskirts of the city.)
  5. A estátua histórica está no meio do jardim público.
    (The historic statue is in the middle of the public garden.)
  6. Os grafites coloridos estão nos muros do bairro antigo.
    (The colorful graffiti are on the walls of the old neighborhood.)

Buildings and Structures

  1. O novo restaurante está no térreo do prédio comercial.
    (The new restaurant is on the ground floor of the commercial building.)
  2. A exposição de arte está no terceiro andar do museu.
    (The art exhibition is on the third floor of the museum.)
  3. Os livros que você procura estão na seção de história da biblioteca.
    (The books you’re looking for are in the history section of the library.)
  4. A sala de embarque está no segundo andar do aeroporto.
    (The boarding gate is on the second floor of the airport.)
  5. O elevador panorâmico está na torre norte do edifício.
    (The panoramic elevator is in the north tower of the building.)
  6. A nova ala pediátrica está no hospital universitário.
    (The new pediatric wing is in the university hospital.)

Directional Terms

  1. O banheiro está à direita do corredor.
    (The bathroom is to the right of the hallway.)
  2. A farmácia está a dois quarteirões ao norte daqui.
    (The pharmacy is two blocks north of here.)
  3. As chaves estão em cima da mesa da cozinha.
    (The keys are on top of the kitchen table.)
  4. O gato está embaixo do sofá.
    (The cat is underneath the sofa.)
  5. O restaurante que você procura está do outro lado da rua.
    (The restaurant you’re looking for is across the street.)
  6. A sala de reuniões está no final do corredor à esquerda.
    (The meeting room is at the end of the hallway on the left.)

Additional Examples

  1. Os ingressos para o show estão na bilheteria do teatro.
    (The tickets for the show are at the theater box office.)
  2. O posto de gasolina mais próximo está a 5 km daqui.
    (The nearest gas station is 5 km from here.)
  3. A cápsula do tempo está enterrada no pátio da escola.
    (The time capsule is buried in the school yard.)
  4. Os melhores lugares para assistir ao desfile estão na avenida principal.
    (The best spots to watch the parade are on the main avenue.)
  5. O controle remoto está entre as almofadas do sofá.
    (The remote control is between the sofa cushions.)
  6. A linha de chegada da maratona está em frente ao estádio municipal.
    (The marathon finish line is in front of the municipal stadium.)

Remember, “estar” is used in these examples because we’re describing the current, potentially temporary location of people, objects, or places. These locations could change, unlike inherent characteristics described with “ser”.

Next: Examples: Estar for Physical Location in European Portuguese

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