Acercar Present Tense in Latin American Spanish

The simple present tense of acercar is used to describe actions happening in the present moment. For example, Me acerco a la ventana. (I approach the window.)

Acercar is a regular -ar verb, so its conjugations in the present tense follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Acercar (to bring closer) in the Present Tense tense (Latin American Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedacerca
Nosotros / Nosotrasacercamos
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesacercan

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Acercar (to bring closer) in the Present Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Acercar in the Present Tense

Acercar generally means to bring something or someone closer, but has several different meanings in the Present Tense, some of which might surprise you.

To move closer: This is the most literal meaning, for example, Me acerco a la ventana (I move closer to the window).

To bring near: Used when bringing something closer, for example, Acerco la silla a la mesa (I bring the chair closer to the table).

To approach: Referring to getting closer to a person or place, for example, Me acerco a mi amigo (I approach my friend).

To get closer (figuratively): Used for abstract concepts like goals or understanding, for example, Me acerco a la verdad (I get closer to the truth).

To offer (colloquial): In some contexts, it can mean to offer something, for example, ¿Te acerco un refresco? (Can I offer you a soda?).

To hit on (rude): In very informal contexts, it can mean to make unwanted advances, for example, No me acerco a ella, es una pesada (I don’t hit on her, she’s annoying).


Examples of Acercar in the Present Tense

Cada mañana acerco mi silla a la mesa para desayunar. (Every morning I pull my chair up to the table for breakfast.)

¿Por qué acercas tanto tu cara a la pantalla? Te vas a dañar la vista. (Why do you bring your face so close to the screen? You’re going to damage your eyesight.)

El mesero acerca los platos a la mesa con mucho cuidado. (The waiter carefully brings the plates to the table.)

Cuando acercamos las sillas, podemos caber todos alrededor de la mesa. (When we pull the chairs closer, we can all fit around the table.)

Los fanáticos acercan sus cámaras para tomar fotos del artista. (The fans bring their cameras close to take pictures of the performer.)

En la playa, acerco mi toalla al agua para refrescarme los pies. (At the beach, I bring my towel closer to the water to cool my feet.)

¿Me acercas esa revista? La quiero hojear mientras espero. (Could you bring me that magazine? I want to flip through it while I wait.)

El instructor acerca un diagrama para que todos puedan verlo mejor. (The instructor brings a diagram closer so everyone can see it better.)

Cuando acercamos nuestras culturas, aprendemos a apreciar nuestras diferencias. (When we bring our cultures closer, we learn to appreciate our differences.)

Los manifestantes acercan sus pancartas a las cámaras para que se lean sus mensajes. (The protesters bring their signs closer to the cameras so their messages can be read.)

Para ver los detalles, acerco la lupa a la pintura. (To see the details, I bring the magnifying glass closer to the painting.)

¿Me acercas esa caja? Está muy lejos y no puedo alcanzarla. (Could you bring me that box? It’s too far away and I can’t reach it.)

La maestra acerca un libro de cuentos para leerles a los niños. (The teacher brings a storybook closer to read to the children.)

Cuando acercamos nuestras ideas, podemos encontrar soluciones creativas. (When we bring our ideas closer, we can find creative solutions.)

Los arqueólogos acercan sus herramientas al sitio de excavación con mucho cuidado. (The archaeologists carefully bring their tools closer to the excavation site.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Acercar (to bring closer) in the Present Tense tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo acerco I bring closer
Tú acercas You bring closer
Él / Ella / Usted acerca He / She / You brings closer
Nosotros / Nosotras acercamos We bring closer
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes acercan They / You all bring closer

This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here


The Present tense is also known as the Simple Present, Present Simple, Present Tense, or Present Indicative in English, and as Presente de Indicativo, Presente Simple, Tiempo Presente, or Indicativo Presente in Spanish.