Acercarse Future Tense in Latin American Spanish

The Future Tense of acercarse is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future, for example, Me acercaré a la ventana. (I will approach the window.)

Acercarse is a regular -ar verb, so its Future Tense conjugations follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Acercarse (to get closer) in the Future Tense tense (Latin American Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Yome acercaré
te acercarás
Él / Ella / Ustedse acercará
Nosotros / Nosotrasnos acercaremos
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesse acercarán

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Acercarse (to get closer) in the Future Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Acercarse in the Future Tense

Acercarse generally means to approach or get closer, but has several different meanings in the Future Tense, some of which might surprise you.

Literal meaning: To physically move closer to something or someone, for example, Me acercaré a la ventana para ver mejor (I will approach the window to see better).

Figurative meaning: To get closer to achieving a goal or understanding something, for example, Me acercaré a mi sueño de ser escritor (I will get closer to my dream of becoming a writer).

Colloquial meaning: To make a move on someone romantically or sexually, for example, No te acercarás a mi hermana, ¿entendido? (You won’t make a move on my sister, understood?).

Rude meaning: To bother or annoy someone, often used as a threat, for example, Si te acercarás a mí, te las verás conmigo (If you bother me, you’ll have to deal with me).


Examples of Acercarse in the Future Tense

Cuando llegue el verano, me acercaré a la playa. (When summer arrives, I will go to the beach.)

Si no llueve mañana, te acercarás al parque para jugar al fútbol. (If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, you will go to the park to play soccer.)

El próximo año, mi hermana se acercará a la universidad para estudiar medicina. (Next year, my sister will go to university to study medicine.)

Después de las vacaciones, nos acercaremos al centro comercial para comprar regalos. (After the holidays, we will go to the mall to buy gifts.)

Cuando terminen las obras, los vecinos se acercarán al nuevo parque. (When the construction is finished, the neighbors will go to the new park.)

En la fiesta, me acercaré a saludar a mis amigos. (At the party, I will go to greet my friends.)

Cuando tengas tiempo libre, te acercarás al cine para ver la nueva película. (When you have free time, you will go to the cinema to see the new movie.)

El año que viene, mi familia se acercará a la iglesia para la misa de Navidad. (Next year, my family will go to church for Christmas mass.)

Después del trabajo, nos acercaremos al bar para tomar unas cervezas. (After work, we will go to the bar to have some beers.)

Cuando lleguen los turistas, se acercarán al centro histórico para visitar los monumentos. (When the tourists arrive, they will go to the historic center to visit the monuments.)

En la reunión de negocios, me acercaré al jefe para presentar mi proyecto. (At the business meeting, I will approach the boss to present my project.)

Si apruebas el examen, te acercarás a la oficina para recoger tu certificado. (If you pass the exam, you will go to the office to pick up your certificate.)

Cuando sea mayor, mi hijo se acercará a la universidad para estudiar ingeniería. (When he is older, my son will go to university to study engineering.)

Después de la boda, nos acercaremos al salón de baile para celebrar. (After the wedding, we will go to the dance hall to celebrate.)

Cuando terminen las clases, los estudiantes se acercarán al patio para jugar. (When classes are over, the students will go to the courtyard to play.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Acercarse (to get closer) in the Future Tense tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo me acercaré I will get closer
Tú te acercarás You will get closer
Él / Ella / Usted se acercará He / She / You will get closer
Nosotros / Nosotras nos acercaremos We will get closer
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes se acercarán They / You all will get closer

This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here


The Future tense is also known as the Simple Future, Future Simple, Future Tense, Future Indicative, or Will Future in English, and as Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Tiempo Futuro, Futuro de Indicativo, or Indicativo Futuro in Spanish.