Acostar Subjunctive Mood in Castilian Spanish

The Present Subjunctive of Acostar is used to express wishes, desires, or uncertainty about someone lying down or going to bed, for example: Es importante que te acuestes temprano esta noche. (It’s important that you go to bed early tonight.)

This is a stem-changing verb, where the ‘o’ changes to ‘ue’ in all subjunctive forms except nosotros/nosotras and vosotros/vosotras.


Conjugations of Acostar (to put to bed) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedacueste
Nosotros / Nosotrasacostemos
Vosotros / Vosotrasacostéis
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesacuesten

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Acostar (to put to bed) in the Subjunctive Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Acostar in the Subjunctive Mood

Acostar generally means “to put to bed” or “to lie down”, but has several different meanings in the Subjunctive Mood, some of which might surprise you.

To go to bed: for example, Es importante que me acueste temprano esta noche. (It’s important that I go to bed early tonight.)

To have sexual relations (vulgar): for example, No quiero que te acuestes con ella. (I don’t want you to sleep with her.)

To lie down: for example, El médico recomienda que me acueste y descanse. (The doctor recommends that I lie down and rest.)

To go to sleep: for example, Mis padres quieren que me acueste antes de medianoche. (My parents want me to go to sleep before midnight.)

To retire or withdraw (figurative): for example, Es mejor que me acueste y deje de discutir. (It’s better that I withdraw and stop arguing.)


Examples of Acostar in the Subjunctive Mood

Es importante que acuestes al bebé temprano para que duerma bien. (It’s important that you put the baby to bed early so they sleep well.)

Ojalá que tu hermano acueste a los niños antes de irse. (I hope your brother puts the kids to bed before he leaves.)

Aunque no tengas sueño, acuéstate temprano para descansar bien. (Even if you’re not sleepy, go to bed early to rest well.)

Para que no se desvelen, es mejor que los niños se acuesten a las 9 pm. (So the kids don’t stay up late, it’s better they go to bed at 9 pm.)

Mamá quiere que acostemos a la abuela temprano porque está cansada. (Mom wants us to put grandma to bed early because she’s tired.)

El médico recomienda que acuesten al paciente y lo dejen descansar. (The doctor recommends they put the patient to bed and let them rest.)

Aunque estés viendo tu programa favorito, acuéstate a una hora razonable. (Even if you’re watching your favorite show, go to bed at a reasonable hour.)

Tal vez sea buena idea que acuestes al perro en su camita por la noche. (Maybe it’s a good idea to put the dog in his bed at night.)

Es necesario que los niños se acuesten temprano para ir al colegio descansados. (It’s necessary for the kids to go to bed early to go to school well-rested.)

Sugiero que acostemos al abuelo después de cenar para que descanse. (I suggest we put grandpa to bed after dinner so he can rest.)

Aunque no quieran, acuéstense ya para estar listos mañana. (Even if you don’t want to, go to bed now to be ready tomorrow.)

Es una lástima que los bebés se acuesten tan tarde algunas noches. (It’s a shame babies go to bed so late some nights.)

Ojalá que todos se acuesten temprano para estar descansados mañana. (I hope everyone goes to bed early to be well-rested tomorrow.)

Quizás sea mejor que acuesten al perrito en su camita esta noche. (Maybe it’s better they put the puppy in his bed tonight.)

Aunque no tengan sueño, acuéstense ahora para madrugar mañana. (Even if you’re not sleepy, go to bed now to wake up early tomorrow.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Acostar (to put to bed) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo acueste I put to bed
Tú acuestes You put to bed
Él / Ella / Usted acueste He / She / You (formal) puts to bed
Nosotros / Nosotras acostemos We put to bed
Vosotros / Vosotras acostéis You all put to bed
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes acuesten They / You all (formal) put to bed

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Subjunctive mood is also known as the Simple Subjunctive, Subjunctive Present, or Present Subjunctive Mood in English, and as Presente de Subjuntivo, Subjuntivo Presente, Presente del Modo Subjuntivo, or Tiempo Presente del Subjuntivo in Spanish.