The Present Tense of Advertir is used to express actions or states that are happening now or are habitual. For example, Ella te advierte que no cruces la calle sin mirar. (She warns you not to cross the street without looking.)
Advertir is a stem-changing verb, meaning the vowel in the stem changes in certain conjugations. In the present tense, the e changes to ie in all forms except nosotros and vosotros.
Conjugations of Advertir (to warn) in the Present Tense tense (Castilian Spanish):
Pronoun | Conjugation |
Yo | advierto |
Tú | adviertes |
Él / Ella / Usted | advierte |
Nosotros / Nosotras | advertimos |
Vosotros / Vosotras | advertís |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | advierten |
Boost Your Memorization with Audio!
We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Advertir (to warn) in the Present Tense to help you learn faster.
Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.
Usage of Advertir in the Present Tense
Advertir generally means to warn or notify, but has several different meanings in the Present Tense, some of which might surprise you.
To warn or caution: For example, Yo te advierto que no debes salir tan tarde. (I warn you that you should not go out so late.)
To notice or perceive: For example, Advierto que estás cansado hoy. (I notice that you are tired today.)
To inform or notify: For example, Te advierto que la reunión ha sido cancelada. (I inform you that the meeting has been canceled.)
To reprimand or scold (colloquial): For example, Te advierto que no me gusta tu actitud. (I’m warning you that I don’t like your attitude.)
To threaten (rude): For example, Te advierto que si no me pagas, te las verás conmigo. (I’m warning you that if you don’t pay me, you’ll have to deal with me.)
Examples of Advertir in the Present Tense
Siempre advierto a mis amigos sobre los peligros de conducir ebrios. (I always warn my friends about the dangers of drunk driving.)
El meteorólogo advierte que se esperan fuertes lluvias esta tarde. (The meteorologist warns that heavy rains are expected this afternoon.)
Los padres advierten a sus hijos sobre los riesgos de hablar con extraños en línea. (Parents warn their children about the risks of talking to strangers online.)
El instructor de yoga advierte que no debemos forzar demasiado nuestro cuerpo en las posturas. (The yoga instructor warns us not to push our bodies too far in the poses.)
La policía advierte a los conductores que respeten los límites de velocidad. (The police warn drivers to obey speed limits.)
Los expertos advierten sobre los riesgos de fumar para la salud. (Experts warn about the health risks of smoking.)
El chef advierte que no debemos dejar la carne cruda a temperatura ambiente por mucho tiempo. (The chef warns us not to leave raw meat at room temperature for too long.)
Nosotros advertimos a nuestros vecinos cuando vemos actividad sospechosa en el vecindario. (We warn our neighbors when we see suspicious activity in the neighborhood.)
Ustedes advierten a sus hijos sobre los peligros de las drogas y el alcohol. (You warn your children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.)
El entrenador advierte a los jugadores que deben mantenerse hidratados durante el partido. (The coach warns the players that they must stay hydrated during the game.)
Los científicos advierten sobre el impacto del cambio climático en el medio ambiente. (Scientists warn about the impact of climate change on the environment.)
Tú adviertes a tu compañero de cuarto que no deje la puerta sin llave cuando salga. (You warn your roommate not to leave the door unlocked when they go out.)
El médico advierte a su paciente que debe reducir su consumo de sal y grasas. (The doctor warns their patient that they need to reduce their salt and fat intake.)
Ellos advierten a los turistas sobre los riesgos de viajar sin seguro médico. (They warn tourists about the risks of traveling without medical insurance.)
El instructor de manejo advierte a los estudiantes sobre la importancia de usar el cinturón de seguridad. (The driving instructor warns the students about the importance of wearing a seatbelt.)
Conjugations with English Translations
Conjugations of Advertir (to warn) in the Present Tense tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:
Spanish | English |
Yo advierto | I warn |
Tú adviertes | You warn |
Él / Ella / Usted advierte | He / She / You (formal) warns |
Nosotros / Nosotras advertimos | We warn |
Vosotros / Vosotras advertís | You all warn |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes advierten | They / You all (formal) warn |
This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here
The Present tense is also known as the Simple Present, Present Simple, Present Tense, or Present Indicative in English, and as Presente de Indicativo, Presente Simple, Tiempo Presente, or Indicativo Presente in Spanish.