Afeitar Future Tense in Castilian Spanish

The Future Tense of Afeitar is used to express actions that will take place in the future, for example, Mañana me afeitaré antes de ir al trabajo. (Tomorrow I will shave before going to work.)

Afeitar is a regular -ar verb, so its Future Tense conjugations follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Afeitar (to shave) in the Future Tense tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedafeitará
Nosotros / Nosotrasafeitaremos
Vosotros / Vosotrasafeitaréis
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesafeitarán

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Afeitar (to shave) in the Future Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Afeitar in the Future Tense

Afeitar generally means to shave, but has several different meanings in the Future Tense, some of which might surprise you.

Literal meaning: To shave hair from the face or body, for example, Me afeitaré la barba mañana. (I will shave my beard tomorrow.)

Figurative meaning: To cheat or swindle someone, for example, Te afeitaré en ese negocio. (I will rip you off in that business deal.)

Slang meaning: To beat or defeat someone decisively, for example, Te afeitaré en ese partido de fútbol. (I will beat you badly in that soccer game.)

Vulgar meaning: To have sex with someone, often used in a crude or offensive way, for example, Me la afeitaré esta noche. (I will have sex with her tonight.) Note: This usage is considered very rude.


Examples of Afeitar in the Future Tense

Mañana afeitaré mi barba antes de ir a trabajar. (Tomorrow I will shave my beard before going to work.)

¿A qué hora afeitarás tu cara esta noche? (What time will you shave your face tonight?)

Ella afeitará las piernas de su esposa antes de la boda. (She will shave her wife’s legs before the wedding.)

Nosotros afeitaremos nuestras cabezas en señal de duelo. (We will shave our heads as a sign of mourning.)

Después del parto, afeitaréis la cabeza del bebé. (After giving birth, you all will shave the baby’s head.)

Los reclutas afeitarán sus cabezas cuando entren al ejército. (The recruits will shave their heads when they join the army.)

Antes de la cirugía, el médico afeitará la zona operativa. (Before the surgery, the doctor will shave the operative area.)

Para la película, los actores afeitarán sus cejas. (For the movie, the actors will shave their eyebrows.)

Si ganas la apuesta, afeitaré mi cabeza. (If you win the bet, I will shave my head.)

Cuando cumplas 18 años, afeitarás tu primer bigote. (When you turn 18, you will shave your first mustache.)

El año que viene, afeitará su cabello para donar a una organización caritativa. (Next year, she will shave her hair to donate to a charity organization.)

Para la boda, afeitaremos nuestras patillas. (For the wedding, we will shave our sideburns.)

Después del Ramadán, afeitaréis vuestras barbas. (After Ramadan, you all will shave your beards.)

Los monjes afeitarán sus cabezas en señal de renunciación. (The monks will shave their heads as a sign of renunciation.)

Cuando sea viejo, afeitaré mi cabeza para sentirme más fresco. (When I’m old, I will shave my head to feel cooler.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Afeitar (to shave) in the Future Tense tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo afeitaré I will shave
Tú afeitarás You will shave
Él / Ella / Usted afeitará He / She / You (formal) will shave
Nosotros / Nosotras afeitaremos We will shave
Vosotros / Vosotras afeitaréis You all will shave
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes afeitarán They / You all (formal) will shave

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Future tense is also known as the Simple Future, Future Simple, Future Tense, Future Indicative, or Will Future in English, and as Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Tiempo Futuro, Futuro de Indicativo, or Indicativo Futuro in Spanish.