The Imperfect Tense of colgar is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past, for example: Cuando era niño, colgaba mis dibujos en la pared. (When I was a child, I used to hang my drawings on the wall.)
Colgar is a regular -ar verb, so its conjugations in the Imperfect Tense follow the standard pattern for that verb type.
Conjugations of Colgar (to hang) in the Imperfect Tense tense (Latin American Spanish):
Pronoun | Conjugation |
Yo | colgaba |
Tú | colgabas |
Él / Ella / Usted | colgaba |
Nosotros / Nosotras | colgábamos |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | colgaban |
Boost Your Memorization with Audio!
We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Colgar (to hang) in the Imperfect Tense to help you learn faster.
Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.
Usage of Colgar in the Imperfect Tense
The imperfect tense of colgar is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past.
To hang something up: For example, Yo colgaba las fotos en la pared. (I was hanging the photos on the wall.)
To hang up the phone: For example, Ella siempre colgaba sin decir adiós. (She would always hang up without saying goodbye.)
To be hung over (slang): For example, Después de la fiesta, colgaba todos los domingos. (After the party, I would be hung over every Sunday.)
To be left hanging (idiomatic): For example, Mis amigos me colgaban cada vez que hacíamos planes. (My friends would leave me hanging every time we made plans.)
Examples of Colgar in the Imperfect Tense
Yo colgaba el teléfono cada vez que mi madre me llamaba para hablar de política. (I used to hang up the phone whenever my mother called me to talk about politics.)
Cuando éramos niños, mi hermano y yo colgábamos nuestros dibujos en la nevera. (When we were kids, my brother and I used to hang our drawings on the fridge.)
En la oficina, colgaban los nuevos horarios cada lunes por la mañana. (At the office, they used to hang the new schedules every Monday morning.)
Antes de tener hijos, colgaba la ropa interior en el tendedero sin preocupaciones. (Before having kids, I used to hang underwear on the clothesline without a care.)
Mis abuelos colgaban jamones en la bodega para que se curaran lentamente. (My grandparents used to hang hams in the cellar to cure slowly.)
Cuando viajábamos, colgábamos las toallas mojadas en el balcón del hotel. (When we traveled, we used to hang the wet towels on the hotel balcony.)
En la fiesta, todos colgaban sus abrigos en el armario de la entrada. (At the party, everyone used to hang their coats in the entryway closet.)
Mi mamá colgaba las cortinas después de lavarlas para que se secaran. (My mom used to hang the curtains after washing them so they could dry.)
Cuando era joven, colgaba pósters de mis bandas favoritas en las paredes. (When I was young, I used to hang posters of my favorite bands on the walls.)
En el restaurante, colgaban las especias secas del techo para darle un toque rústico. (At the restaurant, they used to hang dried spices from the ceiling for a rustic touch.)
Mis amigos y yo colgábamos el teléfono cuando nuestros padres preguntaban con quién hablábamos. (My friends and I used to hang up the phone when our parents asked who we were talking to.)
La abuela colgaba su ropa interior en el patio trasero, sin importarle quién la viera. (Grandma used to hang her underwear in the backyard, not caring who saw it.)
En la universidad, colgábamos anuncios en los tablones para vender libros usados. (In college, we used to hang flyers on the bulletin boards to sell used books.)
Cuando vivía solo, colgaba las llaves en un gancho junto a la puerta principal. (When I lived alone, I used to hang the keys on a hook by the front door.)
Mis padres colgaban las luces navideñas en el techo cada diciembre. (My parents used to hang the Christmas lights on the roof every December.)
Conjugations with English Translations
Conjugations of Colgar (to hang) in the Imperfect Tense tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:
Spanish | English |
Yo colgaba | I was hanging |
Tú colgabas | You were hanging |
Él / Ella / Usted colgaba | He / She / You was hanging |
Nosotros / Nosotras colgábamos | We were hanging |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes colgaban | They / You all were hanging |
This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here
The Imperfect tense is also known as the Past Imperfect, Descriptive Past, Past Progressive, or Imperfect Indicative in English, and as Pretérito Imperfecto, Copretérito, Imperfecto de Indicativo, or Pasado Descriptivo in Spanish.