Conseguir Imperfect Tense in Latin American Spanish

The Imperfect Tense of Conseguir is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past, for example: Cuando era niño, conseguía buenas notas en la escuela. (When I was a child, I used to get good grades at school.)

Conseguir is a regular -ir verb, so its Imperfect Tense conjugations follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Conseguir (to get, obtain) in the Imperfect Tense tense (Latin American Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedconseguía
Nosotros / Nosotrasconseguíamos
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesconseguían

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Conseguir (to get, obtain) in the Imperfect Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Conseguir in the Imperfect Tense

The imperfect tense of conseguir is used to describe ongoing, repeated or habitual actions in the past.

To obtain or get: For example, Cuando era niño, conseguía dulces de mis abuelos cada fin de semana. (When I was a child, I used to get candy from my grandparents every weekend.)

To achieve or accomplish: For example, Mi hermana conseguía buenas notas en la escuela. (My sister used to get good grades at school.)

To manage or succeed (in doing something): For example, No conseguía dormir por las noches debido al ruido. (I couldn’t manage to sleep at night because of the noise.)

To persuade or convince: For example, Nunca conseguía que mi hijo comiera verduras. (I could never get my son to eat vegetables.)

To find or locate (colloquial): For example, No conseguía el libro que buscaba en la biblioteca. (I couldn’t find the book I was looking for in the library.)


Examples of Conseguir in the Imperfect Tense

Yo conseguía entradas para el concierto con mucha dificultad. (I managed to get tickets for the concert with great difficulty.)

Ella conseguía llegar a tiempo al trabajo a pesar del tráfico. (She managed to get to work on time despite the traffic.)

Nosotros conseguíamos ahorrar un poco de dinero cada mes. (We managed to save a little money each month.)

conseguías hacer reír a todos con tus chistes. (You managed to make everyone laugh with your jokes.)

Ellos conseguían terminar el proyecto antes de la fecha límite. (They managed to finish the project before the deadline.)

Yo conseguía comunicarme en inglés con gestos y algunas palabras. (I managed to communicate in English with gestures and a few words.)

Ella conseguía mantener la calma en situaciones estresantes. (She managed to stay calm in stressful situations.)

Nosotros conseguíamos disfrutar de las vacaciones a pesar del mal clima. (We managed to enjoy the vacation despite the bad weather.)

conseguías hacer ejercicio todas las mañanas. (You managed to exercise every morning.)

Ellos conseguían encontrar ofertas increíbles en las rebajas. (They managed to find incredible deals during the sales.)

Yo conseguía aprender nuevas habilidades con facilidad. (I managed to learn new skills easily.)

Ella conseguía mantener una buena relación con sus suegros. (She managed to maintain a good relationship with her in-laws.)

Nosotros conseguíamos cocinar comidas saludables para toda la familia. (We managed to cook healthy meals for the whole family.)

conseguías equilibrar el trabajo y la vida personal. (You managed to balance work and personal life.)

Ellos conseguían viajar a destinos exóticos cada año. (They managed to travel to exotic destinations every year.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Conseguir (to get, obtain) in the Imperfect Tense tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo conseguía I was getting
Tú conseguías You were getting
Él / Ella / Usted conseguía He / She / You was getting
Nosotros / Nosotras conseguíamos We were getting
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes conseguían They / You all were getting

This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here


The Imperfect tense is also known as the Past Imperfect, Descriptive Past, Past Progressive, or Imperfect Indicative in English, and as Pretérito Imperfecto, Copretérito, Imperfecto de Indicativo, or Pasado Descriptivo in Spanish.