Encontrarse Conditional Mood in Castilian Spanish

The Conditional Mood of encontrarse is used to express what would happen under certain circumstances, for example: Si tuvieras más tiempo, te encontrarías con más amigos. (If you had more time, you would meet up with more friends.)

Encontrarse is a regular verb in Spanish, meaning its conjugations follow the typical patterns for -ar verbs in the Conditional Mood.


Conjugations of Encontrarse (to find oneself) in the Conditional Mood tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Yome encontraría
te encontrarías
Él / Ella / Ustedse encontraría
Nosotros / Nosotrasnos encontraríamos
Vosotros / Vosotrasos encontraríais
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesse encontrarían

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Encontrarse (to find oneself) in the Conditional Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Encontrarse in the Conditional Mood

The conditional mood of encontrarse is used to express what would happen under certain conditions or hypothetical situations.

To be located or situated: For example, Si fuera rico, me encontraría en una isla paradisíaca. (If I were rich, I would find myself on a paradise island.)

To come across or meet by chance: For example, Si saliéramos más a menudo, nos encontraríamos con amigos. (If we went out more often, we would run into friends.)

To be in a certain state or condition: For example, Si no trabajara tanto, me encontraría menos estresado. (If I didn’t work so much, I would find myself less stressed.)

Colloquial usage: Si me encontrara con ese idiota, le diría cuatro cosas. (If I came across that idiot, I would tell him a thing or two.) This can imply a confrontation or argument.


Examples of Encontrarse in the Conditional Mood

Si me encontraría en una situación difícil, buscaría ayuda de un amigo cercano. (If I found myself in a difficult situation, I would seek help from a close friend.)

Aunque te encontrarías perdido en una ciudad desconocida, siempre puedes usar un mapa o preguntar por direcciones. (Even if you found yourself lost in an unfamiliar city, you can always use a map or ask for directions.)

En caso de emergencia, se encontraría un refugio seguro para protegerse. (In case of an emergency, one would find a safe shelter to take refuge.)

Nos encontraríamos en un lío si no planificamos nuestro viaje con anticipación. (We would find ourselves in a mess if we didn’t plan our trip in advance.)

Si os encontraríais en una situación incómoda, lo mejor sería retirarse con tacto. (If you found yourselves in an uncomfortable situation, it would be best to tactfully withdraw.)

Los jóvenes se encontrarían sin rumbo si no tuvieran metas claras en la vida. (Young people would find themselves directionless if they didn’t have clear goals in life.)

Aunque me encontraría sin trabajo, no me rendiría y seguiría buscando oportunidades. (Even if I found myself unemployed, I wouldn’t give up and would keep looking for opportunities.)

Te encontrarías en problemas si no respetas las reglas de la compañía. (You would find yourself in trouble if you don’t respect the company’s rules.)

En una fiesta, se encontraría rodeado de gente divertida y amigable. (At a party, one would find themselves surrounded by fun and friendly people.)

Nos encontraríamos en un dilema si tuviéramos que elegir entre dos opciones igualmente atractivas. (We would find ourselves in a dilemma if we had to choose between two equally attractive options.)

Si os encontraríais en una situación de peligro, lo más sensato sería alejarse de inmediato. (If you found yourselves in a dangerous situation, the most sensible thing would be to get away immediately.)

Los estudiantes se encontrarían abrumados si no gestionaran bien su tiempo. (Students would find themselves overwhelmed if they didn’t manage their time well.)

Aunque me encontraría en un entorno desconocido, trataría de adaptarme y aprender de la experiencia. (Even if I found myself in an unfamiliar environment, I would try to adapt and learn from the experience.)

Te encontrarías en una posición ventajosa si dominas varios idiomas en el mercado laboral actual. (You would find yourself in an advantageous position if you master multiple languages in today’s job market.)

En una emergencia médica, se encontraría asistencia rápida en el hospital más cercano. (In a medical emergency, one would find prompt assistance at the nearest hospital.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Encontrarse (to find oneself) in the Conditional Mood tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo me encontraría I would find myself
Tú te encontrarías You would find yourself
Él / Ella / Usted se encontraría He / She / You (formal) would find oneself
Nosotros / Nosotras nos encontraríamos We would find ourselves
Vosotros / Vosotras os encontraríais You all would find yourselves
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes se encontrarían They / You all (formal) would find themselves

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Conditional mood is also known as the Simple Conditional, Conditional Simple, Would Tense, or Future of the Past in English, and as Condicional Simple, Pospretérito, Potencial Simple, or Condicional de Indicativo in Spanish.