The Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) of Escoger is used to give direct orders or instructions, for example: Escoge la opción correcta. (Choose the correct option.)
This verb follows the -ger to -ja spelling-changing conjugation pattern, where the g changes to j before the vowel endings.
Conjugations of Escoger (to choose) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Latin American Spanish):
Pronoun | Conjugation |
Yo | — |
Tú | escoge |
Él / Ella / Usted | escoja |
Nosotros / Nosotras | escojamos |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | escojan |
Boost Your Memorization with Audio!
We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Escoger (to choose) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) to help you learn faster.
Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.
Usage of Escoger in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)
Escoger generally means to choose or select, but has several different meanings in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands), some of which might surprise you.
To choose or select: This is the most common meaning. For example, Escoge la opción que más te guste (Choose the option you like the most).
To pick: Similar to choosing, but often refers to physically picking something. For example, Escoge las manzanas maduras (Pick the ripe apples).
To elect or vote for: In a political context, it can mean to elect or vote for someone. For example, Escoge al candidato que mejor represente tus valores (Elect the candidate who best represents your values).
To decide: It can also mean to decide on something. For example, Escoge qué quieres hacer este fin de semana (Decide what you want to do this weekend).
Colloquial usage: In some Latin American slang, it can mean to “go for it” or “take a chance.” For example, ¡Escoge, no seas cobarde! (Go for it, don’t be a coward!)
Examples of Escoger in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)
¡Escoge una opción del menú! (Choose an option from the menu!)
Por favor, escoja un asiento disponible. (Please choose an available seat.)
Vamos a escoger un destino emocionante para nuestras vacaciones. (Let’s choose an exciting destination for our vacation.)
En la reunión, escojamos un líder de proyecto. (In the meeting, let’s choose a project leader.)
Amigos, escojan una película para ver esta noche. (Friends, choose a movie to watch tonight.)
Mamá, ¿puedo escoger mi propio atuendo para la fiesta? (Mom, can I choose my own outfit for the party?)
En el supermercado, escoge frutas y verduras frescas. (At the supermarket, choose fresh fruits and vegetables.)
Para el proyecto de clase, escojamos un tema interesante. (For the class project, let’s choose an interesting topic.)
¿Qué camino vamos a escoger? (Which path are we going to choose?)
En la entrevista de trabajo, escoja sus palabras con cuidado. (In the job interview, choose your words carefully.)
Cuando estés listo, escoge la respuesta correcta. (When you’re ready, choose the correct answer.)
Para el cumpleaños de papá, escojamos un regalo especial. (For dad’s birthday, let’s choose a special gift.)
En el restaurante, escojan un plato que les guste a todos. (At the restaurant, choose a dish that you all like.)
Antes de viajar, escoge un seguro de viaje confiable. (Before traveling, choose a reliable travel insurance.)
En la vida, escoja ser feliz. (In life, choose to be happy.)
Conjugations with English Translations
Conjugations of Escoger (to choose) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:
Spanish | English |
Yo — | — |
Tú escoge | Choose |
Él / Ella / Usted escoja | Choose |
Nosotros / Nosotras escojamos | Let’s choose |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes escojan | Choose |
This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here
The Imperative mood is also known as the Command Form, Affirmative Command Mood, or Direct Command Form in English, and as Modo Imperativo, Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, or Forma de Mandato in Spanish.