The Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) of Gastar is used to give direct orders or instructions related to spending money or using up resources, for example Gasta tu dinero sabiamente. (Spend your money wisely.)
Gastar is a regular -ar verb, meaning its conjugations in the Imperative follow the typical pattern for this verb type.
Conjugations of Gastar (to spend) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish):
Pronoun | Conjugation |
Yo | — |
Tú | gasta |
Él / Ella / Usted | gaste |
Nosotros / Nosotras | gastemos |
Vosotros / Vosotras | gastad |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | gasten |
Boost Your Memorization with Audio!
We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Gastar (to spend) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) to help you learn faster.
Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.
Usage of Gastar in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)
Gastar generally means to spend or consume, but has several different meanings in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands), some of which might surprise you.
To spend money: For example, Gasta tu dinero sabiamente (Spend your money wisely).
To consume or use up: For example, Gasta toda la comida antes de que se eche a perder (Consume all the food before it goes bad).
To wear out or use up (object): For example, No gastes tus zapatos nuevos tan rápido (Don’t wear out your new shoes so quickly).
To waste or squander: For example, No gastes tu tiempo en cosas sin importancia (Don’t waste your time on unimportant things).
To use up energy or effort (idiomatic): For example, ¡Gasta todas tus fuerzas en el último tramo! (Use up all your energy in the final stretch!)
To make a joke or tease (colloquial): For example, ¡Venga, gasta una broma! (Come on, make a joke!)
Examples of Gastar in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)
¡Gasta tu dinero sabiamente! (Spend your money wisely!)
Amigos, gastemos nuestro presupuesto con cuidado en las vacaciones. (Friends, let’s spend our vacation budget carefully.)
Hijos, gastad el dinero de sus ahorros con prudencia. (Children, spend your savings money prudently.)
Señores, gasten su capital de manera inteligente para hacer crecer sus negocios. (Gentlemen, spend your capital intelligently to grow your businesses.)
Oye, no gastes todo tu sueldo de una vez. (Hey, don’t spend your whole paycheck at once.)
Mamá dice que gastemos con moderación en la fiesta de cumpleaños. (Mom says we should spend moderately on the birthday party.)
El instructor nos aconsejó: “Gastad su tiempo y energía en actividades productivas”. (The instructor advised us: “Spend your time and energy on productive activities”.)
Antes de viajar, gasta un poco en un buen seguro de viaje. (Before traveling, spend a little on good travel insurance.)
Para ahorrar, gasten con prudencia en restaurantes caros. (To save money, spend prudently at expensive restaurants.)
¿Puedes gastar un poco más en mejores materiales para el proyecto? (Can you spend a bit more on better materials for the project?)
No gastes demasiado en videojuegos nuevos este mes. (Don’t spend too much on new video games this month.)
Es mejor gastar en experiencias que en cosas materiales. (It’s better to spend on experiences than material things.)
Para mantenerse en forma, gasta algo de dinero en una membresía de gimnasio. (To stay in shape, spend some money on a gym membership.)
En la conferencia, el orador dijo: “Gasten su tiempo y dinero sabiamente”. (At the conference, the speaker said: “Spend your time and money wisely”.)
Conjugations with English Translations
Conjugations of Gastar (to spend) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:
Spanish | English |
Yo — | — |
Tú gasta | Spend |
Él / Ella / Usted gaste | Spend |
Nosotros / Nosotras gastemos | Let’s spend |
Vosotros / Vosotras gastad | Spend |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes gasten | Spend |
This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here
The Imperative mood is also known as the Command Form, Affirmative Command Mood, or Direct Command Form in English, and as Modo Imperativo, Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, or Forma de Mandato in Spanish.