Imprimir Future Tense in Castilian Spanish

The Future Tense of Imprimir is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future, for example, Imprimiré los documentos mañana. (I will print the documents tomorrow.)

Imprimir is a regular -ir verb, so its Future Tense conjugations follow the typical pattern for this verb type.


Conjugations of Imprimir (to print) in the Future Tense tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedimprimirá
Nosotros / Nosotrasimprimiremos
Vosotros / Vosotrasimprimiréis
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesimprimirán

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Imprimir (to print) in the Future Tense to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

0:00 / 0:07

Usage of Imprimir in the Future Tense

Imprimir generally means to print, but has several different meanings in the Future Tense, some of which might surprise you.

Literal meaning: To print something, for example, Imprimiré los documentos mañana. (I will print the documents tomorrow.)

Figurative meaning: To leave a lasting impression or mark, for example, Sus palabras se imprimirán en mi mente para siempre. (His words will be imprinted on my mind forever.)

Colloquial meaning: To move quickly or with force, for example, El ladrón imprimirá carrera cuando llegue la policía. (The thief will take off running when the police arrive.)

Vulgar meaning: To have sexual intercourse (crude), for example, Si no te callas, te imprimiré contra la pared. (If you don’t shut up, I’ll slam you against the wall.)


Examples of Imprimir in the Future Tense

Cuando llegue a casa esta noche, imprimiré los documentos para la reunión de mañana. (When I get home tonight, I will print the documents for tomorrow’s meeting.)

¿Imprimirás las entradas para el concierto o prefieres que las enviemos por correo electrónico? (Will you print the concert tickets or would you prefer we email them?)

La oficina imprimirá nuevos folletos la próxima semana para la campaña de marketing. (The office will print new brochures next week for the marketing campaign.)

Después de las vacaciones, imprimiremos las fotos para crear un álbum de recuerdos. (After the vacation, we will print the photos to create a memory album.)

Si no tienen la versión digital, imprimiréis las instrucciones desde el sitio web, ¿verdad? (If you don’t have the digital version, you will print the instructions from the website, right?)

Para el próximo semestre, los estudiantes imprimirán sus trabajos con la nueva impresora láser. (For next semester, the students will print their papers with the new laser printer.)

Antes de viajar, imprimiré los boletos y las reservaciones de hotel. (Before traveling, I will print the tickets and hotel reservations.)

¿Imprimirás el menú para la fiesta o lo enviarás por WhatsApp? (Will you print the menu for the party or send it via WhatsApp?)

La empresa imprimirá nuevos catálogos de productos para la próxima feria comercial. (The company will print new product catalogs for the next trade show.)

Después de terminar el proyecto, imprimiremos copias para todos los miembros del equipo. (After finishing the project, we will print copies for all team members.)

Si necesitan ayuda, imprimiréis las instrucciones detalladas del manual, ¿no? (If you need help, you will print the detailed instructions from the manual, right?)

Para la próxima reunión, los ejecutivos imprimirán los informes financieros más recientes. (For the next meeting, the executives will print the latest financial reports.)

Antes de salir de viaje, imprimiré los mapas y las direcciones para no perderme. (Before leaving on the trip, I will print the maps and directions so I don’t get lost.)

¿Imprimirás las entradas para el partido o preferirías comprarlas en la taquilla? (Will you print the tickets for the game or would you prefer to buy them at the box office?)

El equipo de diseño imprimirá muestras de los nuevos logotipos para la próxima presentación. (The design team will print samples of the new logos for the next presentation.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Imprimir (to print) in the Future Tense tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo imprimiré I will print
Tú imprimirás You will print
Él / Ella / Usted imprimirá He / She / You (formal) will print
Nosotros / Nosotras imprimiremos We will print
Vosotros / Vosotras imprimiréis You all will print
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes imprimirán They / You all (formal) will print

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Future tense is also known as the Simple Future, Future Simple, Future Tense, Future Indicative, or Will Future in English, and as Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Tiempo Futuro, Futuro de Indicativo, or Indicativo Futuro in Spanish.