Mantenerse Subjunctive Mood in Castilian Spanish

The Present Subjunctive of mantenerse is used to express wishes, desires, or uncertainty about maintaining or keeping something, for example: Es importante que te mantengas en forma. (It’s important that you stay in shape.)

Mantenerse is an irregular verb, meaning its conjugations do not follow the typical patterns of regular verbs. You’ll need to memorize its unique set of conjugations for each subject pronoun.


Conjugations of Mantenerse (to maintain oneself) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Yome mantenga
te mantengas
Él / Ella / Ustedse mantenga
Nosotros / Nosotrasnos mantengamos
Vosotros / Vosotrasos mantengáis
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesse mantengan

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Mantenerse (to maintain oneself) in the Subjunctive Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Mantenerse in the Subjunctive Mood

Mantenerse generally means to maintain, keep or stay, but has several different meanings in the Subjunctive Mood, some of which might surprise you.

To remain or stay: For example, Es importante que te mantengas en silencio durante el examen. (It’s important that you remain silent during the exam.)

To persist or continue: For example, Aunque las cosas se pongan difíciles, es crucial que te mantengas firme en tus convicciones. (Even though things get tough, it’s crucial that you persist in your convictions.)

To keep or maintain a certain state: For example, Para mantenerse en forma, es recomendable que te mantengas activo y hagas ejercicio regularmente. (To keep in shape, it’s recommended that you stay active and exercise regularly.)

To support oneself financially (colloquial): For example, Con el sueldo que gana, apenas se mantiene. (With the salary he earns, he can barely support himself.)

To keep one’s composure (colloquial): For example, En esa situación tensa, es importante que os mantengáis tranquilos. (In that tense situation, it’s important that you keep your composure.)


Examples of Mantenerse in the Subjunctive Mood

Espero que te mantengas en forma durante tu viaje. (I hope you stay in shape during your trip.)

Es importante que nos mantengamos enfocados en nuestras metas. (It’s important that we stay focused on our goals.)

El instructor dijo que se mantengan en silencio durante la meditación. (The instructor said to remain silent during meditation.)

Aunque las noticias sean malas, es crucial que te mantengas positivo. (Even if the news is bad, it’s crucial that you stay positive.)

Mis padres insisten en que me mantenga alejado de las malas influencias. (My parents insist that I stay away from bad influences.)

El entrenador nos pidió que nos mantengamos hidratados durante el partido. (The coach asked us to stay hydrated during the game.)

Para tener éxito, es necesario que se mantengan disciplinados. (To be successful, it’s necessary that they stay disciplined.)

Ojalá que te mantengas fiel a tus principios. (I hope you stay true to your principles.)

Es importante que se mantenga al tanto de los cambios en las regulaciones. (It’s important to stay up-to-date with changes in regulations.)

Aunque sea difícil, espero que te mantengas firme en tu decisión. (Even though it’s difficult, I hope you stand firm in your decision.)

El médico recomendó que me mantenga activo para mantener una buena salud. (The doctor recommended that I stay active to maintain good health.)

Es esencial que os mantengáis unidos como familia. (It’s essential that you stay united as a family.)

El instructor dijo que se mantengan enfocados y no se distraigan. (The instructor said to stay focused and not get distracted.)

Aunque sea tentador, es mejor que te mantengas alejado de los chismes. (Even though it’s tempting, it’s better that you stay away from gossip.)

Para progresar en tu carrera, es crucial que te mantengas actualizado con las últimas tendencias. (To progress in your career, it’s crucial that you stay up-to-date with the latest trends.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Mantenerse (to maintain oneself) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo me mantenga I maintain myself
Tú te mantengas You maintain yourself
Él / Ella / Usted se mantenga He / She / You (formal) maintains oneself
Nosotros / Nosotras nos mantengamos We maintain ourselves
Vosotros / Vosotras os mantengáis You all maintain yourselves
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes se mantengan They / You all (formal) maintain themselves

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Subjunctive mood is also known as the Simple Subjunctive, Subjunctive Present, or Present Subjunctive Mood in English, and as Presente de Subjuntivo, Subjuntivo Presente, Presente del Modo Subjuntivo, or Tiempo Presente del Subjuntivo in Spanish.