Prever Subjunctive Mood in Latin American Spanish

The Present Subjunctive of Prever is used to express uncertainty, desire, or subjective statements about the future, for example: Espero que preveas las consecuencias de tus acciones. (I hope you foresee the consequences of your actions.)

Prever is an irregular verb, meaning its conjugation follows a unique pattern that must be memorized.


Conjugations of Prever (to foresee) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Latin American Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedprevea
Nosotros / Nosotraspreveamos
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesprevean

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Prever (to foresee) in the Subjunctive Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Prever in the Subjunctive Mood

The present subjunctive of prever is used to express uncertainty, desire, emotion, or a hypothetical situation in the present tense.

To anticipate or foresee: For example, Es importante que preveas las consecuencias de tus acciones. (It’s important that you anticipate the consequences of your actions.)

To provide for or make arrangements: For example, Prevé que tengamos suficiente comida para la fiesta. (Make sure we have enough food for the party.)

To expect or assume: For example, No preveo que haya problemas con el plan. (I don’t expect there to be any problems with the plan.)

Colloquial usage: Prevé que te voy a patear el trasero si no me pagas. (Expect that I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t pay me.)


Examples of Prever in the Subjunctive Mood

Espero que preveas las consecuencias de tus acciones. (I hope you foresee the consequences of your actions.)

Es importante que preveas cualquier problema potencial antes de comenzar un nuevo proyecto. (It’s important that you foresee any potential problems before starting a new project.)

Ojalá que preveas las necesidades de tus clientes y les ofrezcas un servicio excepcional. (I hope you foresee your clients’ needs and offer them exceptional service.)

Para tener éxito en los negocios, es crucial que preveamos las tendencias del mercado. (To be successful in business, it’s crucial that we foresee market trends.)

Aunque no prevean todos los desafíos, es importante estar preparados para enfrentarlos. (Even if they don’t foresee all the challenges, it’s important to be prepared to face them.)

Es recomendable que preveas las posibles reacciones de tus seres queridos antes de darles una noticia importante. (It’s advisable that you foresee the possible reactions of your loved ones before giving them important news.)

Es importante que los líderes prevean los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrentará su organización. (It’s important that leaders foresee the challenges and opportunities their organization will face.)

Ojalá que el gobierno prevea las necesidades de la población y implemente políticas adecuadas. (I hope the government foresees the needs of the population and implements appropriate policies.)

Para tener éxito en la vida, es crucial que preveamos los obstáculos y nos preparemos para superarlos. (To be successful in life, it’s crucial that we foresee obstacles and prepare to overcome them.)

Aunque no prevean todas las dificultades, lo importante es mantener una actitud positiva y perseverante. (Even if they don’t foresee all the difficulties, the important thing is to maintain a positive and persevering attitude.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Prever (to foresee) in the Subjunctive Mood tense (Latin American Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo prevea I foresee
Tú preveas You foresee
Él / Ella / Usted prevea He / She / You foresees
Nosotros / Nosotras preveamos We foresee
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes prevean They / You all foresee

This post covers Latin American Spanish. For Castilian Spanish, click here


The Subjunctive mood is also known as the Simple Subjunctive, Subjunctive Present, or Present Subjunctive Mood in English, and as Presente de Subjuntivo, Subjuntivo Presente, Presente del Modo Subjuntivo, or Tiempo Presente del Subjuntivo in Spanish.