The Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) of Responder is used to give direct orders or instructions to respond to something, for example Responde a la pregunta. (Respond to the question.)
Responder is a regular -er verb, so its conjugations in this mood follow the typical pattern for this verb type.
Conjugations of Responder (to respond) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish):
Pronoun | Conjugation |
Yo | — |
Tú | responde |
Él / Ella / Usted | responda |
Nosotros / Nosotras | respondamos |
Vosotros / Vosotras | responded |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | respondan |
Boost Your Memorization with Audio!
We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Responder (to respond) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) to help you learn faster.
Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.
Usage of Responder in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)
Responder generally means to answer or reply, but has several different meanings in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands), some of which might surprise you.
To answer or reply: for example, ¡Responde a la pregunta! (Answer the question!)
To respond or react: for example, ¡Responde rápido! (Respond quickly!)
To be accountable or responsible: for example, ¡Responde por tus acciones! (Be accountable for your actions!)
To correspond or match: for example, ¡Responde a mis expectativas! (Match my expectations!)
To defend or stand up for: for example, ¡Responde por tu familia! (Stand up for your family!)
Colloquial usage: ¡Respóndeme cuando te hablo! (Answer me when I’m talking to you!) can be a rude way to demand a response.
Examples of Responder in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)
¡Responde a la pregunta con sinceridad! (Answer the question honestly!)
Cuando el profesor haga una pregunta, respondamos con respeto. (When the teacher asks a question, let’s respond respectfully.)
Oye, responde el teléfono, ¿no ves que está sonando? (Hey, answer the phone, can’t you see it’s ringing?)
Amigos, respondan a la encuesta para que podamos mejorar nuestros servicios. (Friends, respond to the survey so we can improve our services.)
En la reunión, responde con confianza y claridad. (In the meeting, respond with confidence and clarity.)
Si quieres avanzar en tu carrera, responde a las oportunidades que se te presenten. (If you want to advance in your career, respond to the opportunities that come your way.)
Cuando tu pareja te haga una pregunta, responde con paciencia y comprensión. (When your partner asks you a question, respond with patience and understanding.)
Hijos, respondan a sus padres con amabilidad y gratitud. (Children, respond to your parents with kindness and gratitude.)
Ante una situación de emergencia, responde con calma y sigue las instrucciones. (In an emergency situation, respond calmly and follow the instructions.)
En la entrevista de trabajo, responde con honestidad y destaca tus fortalezas. (In the job interview, respond honestly and highlight your strengths.)
Cuando recibas una crítica constructiva, responde con humildad y apertura al aprendizaje. (When you receive constructive criticism, respond with humility and openness to learning.)
Si te preguntan por tus metas futuras, responde con entusiasmo y determinación. (If you’re asked about your future goals, respond with enthusiasm and determination.)
Ante un desafío, responde con valentía y perseverancia. (In the face of a challenge, respond with courage and perseverance.)
Conjugations with English Translations
Conjugations of Responder (to respond) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:
Spanish | English |
Yo — | — |
Tú responde | Respond |
Él / Ella / Usted responda | Respond |
Nosotros / Nosotras respondamos | Let’s respond |
Vosotros / Vosotras responded | Respond |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes respondan | Respond |
This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here
The Imperative mood is also known as the Command Form, Affirmative Command Mood, or Direct Command Form in English, and as Modo Imperativo, Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, or Forma de Mandato in Spanish.