Suponer Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) in Castilian Spanish

The Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) of Suponer is used to give direct orders or instructions related to assuming or supposing something, for example Supón que tengo razón. (Suppose that I’m right.)

Suponer is an irregular verb, meaning its conjugation follows a unique pattern that deviates from the standard rules.


Conjugations of Suponer (to suppose) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Él / Ella / Ustedsuponga
Nosotros / Nosotrassupongamos
Vosotros / Vosotrassuponed
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedessupongan

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Suponer (to suppose) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Suponer in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)

Suponer generally means “to suppose” or “to assume”, but has several different meanings in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands), some of which might surprise you.

To assume or presume: for example, Supón que tengo razón (Assume that I’m right).

To imagine or hypothesize: for example, Supongamos que ganas la lotería (Let’s suppose you win the lottery).

To imply or suggest (colloquial): for example, ¿Supón que me estás llamando mentiroso? (Are you implying that I’m a liar?)

To consider or deem (formal): for example, Suponed que el acusado es inocente (Consider the accused to be innocent).

To put up with or tolerate (rude, colloquial): for example, ¡Supón que me importa tu opinión! (Like I care about your opinion!)


Examples of Suponer in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands)

Antes de tomar una decisión, supongamos las posibles consecuencias. (Before making a decision, let’s consider the potential consequences.)

Supón que tienes un presupuesto limitado para las vacaciones. ¿Qué harías? (Suppose you have a limited budget for vacation. What would you do?)

Para resolver este problema, supongamos que la variable x representa el costo inicial. (To solve this problem, let’s assume that the variable x represents the initial cost.)

En la reunión de hoy, suponga que usted es el gerente de ventas. ¿Cómo manejaría la situación? (In today’s meeting, suppose you are the sales manager. How would you handle the situation?)

Suponed que tienen que organizar una fiesta sorpresa para su amigo. ¿Qué harían? (Suppose you have to organize a surprise party for your friend. What would you do?)

Si quieres mejorar tu español, supón que no puedes hablar inglés durante un día entero. (If you want to improve your Spanish, suppose you can’t speak English for an entire day.)

Supongan que se encuentran perdidos en una ciudad desconocida sin mapas ni datos móviles. ¿Cómo resolverían la situación? (Suppose you find yourselves lost in an unknown city without maps or mobile data. How would you resolve the situation?)

Para entender mejor la teoría, supongamos un caso hipotético donde… (To better understand the theory, let’s suppose a hypothetical case where…)

Suponga que tiene que elegir entre dos trabajos igual de atractivos. ¿Qué factores consideraría? (Suppose you have to choose between two equally attractive jobs. What factors would you consider?)

En una emergencia, suponed que deben evacuar el edificio rápidamente. ¿Cuál sería el plan de acción? (In an emergency, suppose you must evacuate the building quickly. What would be the plan of action?)

Supongamos que puedes viajar en el tiempo. ¿A qué época irías y por qué? (Let’s suppose you can travel through time. What era would you go to and why?)

Si quieres ahorrar dinero, supón que reduces tus gastos innecesarios durante un mes. ¿Cuánto podrías ahorrar? (If you want to save money, suppose you reduce your unnecessary expenses for a month. How much could you save?)

Para practicar la negociación, supongan que están comprando un coche usado. ¿Cómo negociarían el precio? (To practice negotiation, suppose you are buying a used car. How would you negotiate the price?)

En una situación de crisis, suponga que debe tomar decisiones difíciles. ¿Cómo las priorizaría? (In a crisis situation, suppose you must make difficult decisions. How would you prioritize them?)

Si quieres mejorar tus habilidades culinarias, supón que tienes que cocinar una cena completa para tus amigos. ¿Qué platos prepararías? (If you want to improve your culinary skills, suppose you have to cook a full dinner for your friends. What dishes would you prepare?)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Suponer (to suppose) in the Imperative Mood (Affirmative Commands) tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo —
Tú supón Suppose
Él / Ella / Usted suponga Suppose
Nosotros / Nosotras supongamos Let’s suppose
Vosotros / Vosotras suponed Suppose
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes supongan Suppose

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Imperative mood is also known as the Command Form, Affirmative Command Mood, or Direct Command Form in English, and as Modo Imperativo, Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, or Forma de Mandato in Spanish.