Irse Conditional Mood in Castilian Spanish

The Conditional Mood of irse is used to express what you would do in a hypothetical situation, for example: Si pudiera, me iría de vacaciones a la playa. (If I could, I would go on vacation to the beach.)

Irse is an irregular verb, meaning its conjugation follows a unique pattern that must be memorized.


Conjugations of Irse (to go away) in the Conditional Mood tense (Castilian Spanish):

Pronoun Conjugation
Yome iría
te irías
Él / Ella / Ustedse iría
Nosotros / Nosotrasnos iríamos
Vosotros / Vosotrasos iríais
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedesse irían

Boost Your Memorization with Audio!

We’ve included audio recordings of the the conjugations of Irse (to go away) in the Conditional Mood to help you learn faster.

Pro Tip: Play the audio on a loop as you study the chart. This repetition will solidify the correct conjugations in your memory.

Usage of Irse in the Conditional Mood

The conditional mood of irse is used to express what would happen under certain conditions or hypothetical situations.

To leave or go away: For example, Si tuviera más dinero, me iría de vacaciones. (If I had more money, I would go on vacation.)

To go (somewhere): For example, Si no lloviera, me iría al parque. (If it didn’t rain, I would go to the park.)

To leave (a place or situation): For example, Si me ganara la lotería, me iría de este trabajo. (If I won the lottery, I would leave this job.)

To disappear or vanish: For example, Si no hubiera tráfico, el estrés se iría. (If there was no traffic, the stress would disappear.)

To fade or dissipate (figuratively): For example, Si me relajara más, mis dolores de cabeza se irían. (If I relaxed more, my headaches would go away.)

To lose or waste (colloquial): For example, Si no estudiara, se me iría la cabeza. (If I didn’t study, I would lose my mind.)


Examples of Irse in the Conditional Mood

Si me iría de vacaciones, elegiría un lugar tropical. (If I were to go on vacation, I would choose a tropical place.)

¿Qué te irías a poner para la fiesta? (What would you wear to the party?)

Ella se iría a vivir al extranjero si tuviera la oportunidad. (She would move abroad if she had the chance.)

Después de la graduación, nos iríamos de viaje por toda Latinoamérica. (After graduation, we would travel all around Latin America.)

¿Os iríais de la ciudad si pudierais? (Muchos se irían por el tráfico y el ruido). (Would you all leave the city if you could? (Many would leave because of the traffic and noise).)

Los jóvenes se irían a vivir solos en cuanto pudieran. (Young people would move out on their own as soon as they could.)

Oye, ¿qué onda? ¿Te irías conmigo a la playa este fin? (Hey, what’s up? Would you go to the beach with me this weekend?)

Si ganara la lotería, me iría de vacaciones por un año entero. (If I won the lottery, I would go on vacation for an entire year.)

Después del escándalo político, el presidente se iría del cargo. (After the political scandal, the president would resign from office.)

Para mejorar su salud, la familia se iría a vivir al campo. (To improve their health, the family would move to the countryside.)

¿A dónde te irías de luna de miel? Yo elegiría una isla paradisíaca. (Where would you go for your honeymoon? I would choose a paradise island.)

Si pudiera, me iría a vivir a otro país para aprender un nuevo idioma. (If I could, I would move to another country to learn a new language.)

Después de la decepcionante reunión, los ejecutivos se irían a tomar unas cervezas. (After the disappointing meeting, the executives would go out for some beers.)

¿A qué universidad te irías si pudieras elegir cualquiera? (Which university would you go to if you could choose any?)

Para celebrar su retiro, la pareja se iría de crucero por el Caribe. (To celebrate their retirement, the couple would go on a Caribbean cruise.)

Conjugations with English Translations

Conjugations of Irse (to go away) in the Conditional Mood tense (Castilian Spanish) with English Translations:

Spanish English
Yo me iría I would go away
Tú te irías You would go away
Él / Ella / Usted se iría He / She / You (formal) would go away
Nosotros / Nosotras nos iríamos We would go away
Vosotros / Vosotras os iríais You all would go away
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes se irían They / You all (formal) would go away

This post covers Castilian Spanish. For Latin American Spanish, click here


The Conditional mood is also known as the Simple Conditional, Conditional Simple, Would Tense, or Future of the Past in English, and as Condicional Simple, Pospretérito, Potencial Simple, or Condicional de Indicativo in Spanish.